phase 3 wow classic
13 feb 2020
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Wow Classic Phase 3: tonight at 0:00!

World of Warcraft Classic Phase 3 arrives at 0:00am! Get ready for the update which will bring new content, but especially the release of the new raid: Blackwing Lair !

Patch de la Vallée d'Alterac et du système d'honneur !
23 jan 2020
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Alterac Valley adjustements incoming

New patch for Alterac Valley with a lot of cool hotfix! New diminish return for honor gain, AV premade fix and so on.... Check this out!

phase 3 wow classic
10 jan 2020
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Classic WoW Phase 3 : Content Drop on Feb 12th! - Blackwing Lair

Blizzard has announced that a new Classic WoW content drop will be going live on February 12th! This includes Blackwing Lair, Level 50 Class Quests, Eternal Quintessence and more!

transfert royaume wow classic
17 dec 2019
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WoW Classic: Paid Character Transfers Now Available

Paid Character Transfers are now available for players in WoW Classic who are looking to relocate their characters to a different realm within their region.

patch 1.13
10 dec 2019
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Patch notes Update 1.13.3 : Warsong Gulch, Alterac Valley and Invasions

The Classic Update 1.13.3 will be deployed on Wednesday morning in Europe, during the maintenance. Get ready for Battlegrounds and Invasions!

goulet wow classic
20 nov 2019
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Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley will open in WoW Classic on all realms the week of December 10

Blizzard has been following the deadly deeds of the Classic community closely over the last week as the Honor system sparked an impressive amount of World PvP on PvP realms: they decided to open Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley earlier!

Les meilleures Spé PvE & PvP sur WoW Classic
18 nov 2019
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New tool: A list of the best Builds for each classes (PvE / PvP / Leveling / Fun)

Create, publish and vote for the best builds/talents. Whether you are playing PvE, PvP, Leveling, or for Fun, find the most popular builds in the community.

phase 2 wow classic
14 nov 2019
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Classic - Phase 2 begins now!

Phase 2 of World of Warcraft Classic arrives at 8pm CET! Get ready for the Update: two new World Bosses, PvP Honor feature and more!

file d'attente wow classic
13 nov 2019
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End of Layering - The queues are back

With the end of Realms Layers, every Realms are now on a single layer and some overcrowded servers are having queues again.

Correctifs de bugs - 12 Novembre
13 nov 2019
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Hotfixes - 12 November

With the end of the Layering system, Blizzard proposed a few hotfixes to prepare the Phase 2 of Classic, coming this November 14.

Hot news and blue post of Classic WoW

On Wowisclassic, find the latest news and official "blue post" of Classic WoW!

Be aware of all that happens in Classic WoW by following us on social network. Our team of journalists tracks in real time the latest news of the game and post them as soon as they are released.

We also spend a lot of time to create amazing unique content, specially for our community. So do not hesitate to follow us on social networks and add us as favorites to be alerted of the latest news of Classic WoW.

Join the Wowisclassic community! A site for fans, created by fans.

List of all Patch notes of Classic WoW

You will find the list of all the updates of Classic WoW and full patchs notes as soon as they come out. Many interviews of game developers are also available, as well as the follow-up of the best guilds of each server, interview of the 1st lvl 60 EU and US, etc ... Everything about Classic WoW is here, so look no further, and join us ;-)