Classic WoW : First screenshots of the beta
19 apr 2019
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Classic WoW : First screenshots of the beta

Following the last news confirming the release of the beta, here are the first screenshots of the beta!

Classic WoW - Beta confirmed! Leak from Blizzard CDN
18 apr 2019
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Classic WoW - Beta confirmed! Leak from Blizzard CDN

Blizzard let a wow_classic_beta file in his CDN ! That means a beta is confirmed for classic wow!

Classic WoW - PvP content plan revealed
09 apr 2019
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Classic WoW - PvP content plan revealed

It's time to find out what's going to be happening with PvP when Classic releases this Summer

leak released date
01 apr 2019
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Classic WoW: Release date Leaked!

Release date of Classic WoW has been leaked! An ex-employee of Blizzard sent us more details.

Spell Batching in Classic WoW is confirmed!
29 mar 2019
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Spell Batching in Classic WoW is confirmed!

Another great news from Blizzard! For those who don't know what "Spell Batching" is, here is more information:

Blue Post - Loot trading in Classic WoW
22 mar 2019
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Blue Post - Loot trading in Classic WoW

Blizzard post a news about loot trading system in Classic WoW. Dungeons and raids are concerned!

Blue Post - Alterac Valley in Classic WoW
19 mar 2019
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Blue Post - Alterac Valley in Classic WoW

Blizzard give us some information about the version of Alterac Valley that will be used for Classic WoW.

What class you should pick in Classic WoW?
13 mar 2019
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What class you should pick in Classic WoW?

You will play at Classic WoW but you don't know what class you should pick? Here is our guide to help you finding the best class PVP & PVE.

Classic WoW - 6 content phases confirmed
11 mar 2019
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Classic WoW - 6 content phases confirmed

Blizzard hear his community! They confirmed 6 content phases for Classic WoW, very well balanced!

Classic WoW - Bugfixes since the demo
02 mar 2019
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Classic WoW - Bugfixes & Release date confirmed for Summer

This week, Blizzard has posted an update on Classic WoW about bugfixe and the release date confirmed for summer 2019. Read the news.

Hot news and blue post of Classic WoW

On Wowisclassic, find the latest news and official "blue post" of Classic WoW!

Be aware of all that happens in Classic WoW by following us on social network. Our team of journalists tracks in real time the latest news of the game and post them as soon as they are released.

We also spend a lot of time to create amazing unique content, specially for our community. So do not hesitate to follow us on social networks and add us as favorites to be alerted of the latest news of Classic WoW.

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List of all Patch notes of Classic WoW

You will find the list of all the updates of Classic WoW and full patchs notes as soon as they come out. Many interviews of game developers are also available, as well as the follow-up of the best guilds of each server, interview of the 1st lvl 60 EU and US, etc ... Everything about Classic WoW is here, so look no further, and join us ;-)