Space Cucks are a group of mercenaries paid by the Alliance . We exist to slay the Horde for money, which helps our effort into funding space exploration. What looming threat lies beyond Azeroth's atmosphere? Could there be more bloodthirsty orcs, menacing naga, or corrupted erodar? Let's spill some Horde blood and find the answer.
Nos objectifs
We do not plan to be a serious raiding guild. We want to provide a chill guild and fun environment for players to enjoy some Dungeon Farming, Random Battlegrounds, World PVP, and Social leveling. Banter is allowed based on context. Use your common sense, people!
Profil recherché
The everyday casual! People who have love for the game and love of random skirmishes with Horde players. We’re here to enjoy the game and escape reality for a bit.