Nombre de joueurs : 100
Ouvert à toutes les classesRaider Expectations:
I. You should always be punctual and your raid attendance is expected. We do understand that this is not always possible and life happens, please let us know as soon as you can.
A. Raid invites begin at 9:30 PM PST
B. Everyone is expected to be in the instance, fully buffed and ready for pull promptly at 10:00 PM PST
III. Be on discord and have working peripherals to ensure you can communicate effectively. You must also be attentive and listening to strategies as we progress through the raid.
IV. Coming to raid prepared with a thorough knowledge of your role. This includes repairing your gear prior to raid and bringing the proper consumables.
V. Raiders are expected to acquire their pre-raid best in slot items and enchants. Many guild members can help you with enchanting your gear or obtaining your pre-bis.
VI. Be able to give and receive constructive criticism, we can assist with talents, rotations, and consumables if needed. Willingness to learn is crucial.
Priest - High, dwarf pref
Warlock - Low
Mage - Low
Warrior - Medium
Rogue - Closed
Druid - Low
Hunter - Medium
Paladin - Holy Paladin URGENT
All exceptional players are encouraged to contact us for further discussion regardless of what is listed because recruitment needs or the current roster may change, backup positions available as well, with the potential to become part of core raid. If you are interested please join or discord or send us a message on bnet.
Bossmage | bnet bossmage#11451
Thejolly | bnet shrimby#1158
Vehemenz | bnet deckloot#3030