Non renseigné
We will have two core raid teams. One will raid Monday, Tuesday and sometimes Thursday during progression, from 8pm to 11pm CST. The other will raid Saturdays and Sundays from 7 to 11pm CST. We will also have a casual raid team on a separate lockout 1 night a week where alts and more casual players are welcome, which will not have a set team as attendance is not mandatory. The two core teams will operate off a loot council system and the casual night will just be /roll main and /roll off spec. Times for the casual night are TBD and may fluctuate.
We will enter MC by the end of the first month, as soon as we have 25 interested 60s, to farm trash for rep. We will do our first attempt as soon as we have 40 players and aqual quintessences. We're hoping to clear it by month 3, before phase 1 and layering ends