Skinning Leveling Guide 1-300

Here is the Skinning leveling 1-300 guide. Best tips for leveling your profession quickly

1. How to quickly level up your Skinning 1-300?

Posté le 06/05/2019
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Skinning is a gathering profession and on its own it does not allow you to create items. It consists in recovering the skin of dead animals in order to gather furs, leathers and scales. Skinning is very useful for leather workers who need skins and scales to turn them into enchanted items made of leather or mesh. Butchering is sometimes used for other professions such as sewing.

leveling skinning guide 1-300

Skinning is a convenient and self-evident occupation for those who have already made animal hunting their main occupation, but you can also make it  a very useful business by selling the skins at the auction house to fill your wallet!

Skinners can easily remove a dead beast by making sure they have a cutter's knife in their inventory, and by right-clicking on the remains of an animal. Although not all animals can be cut up, the vast majority can be. In addition, you do not need to have killed a beast yourself to be able to skin it.

Any skinnable corpse will have a color code on the "Skinnable" property when you move your pointer over it:

Red: Not skinnable.

Orange: Difficult to skin; 100% chance to increase Skinning skill level.

Yellow: Moderately difficult to skin; moderate chance of increasing Skinning skill level.

Green: Easy to skin; low chance of increasing Skinning skill level.

Gray: Very easy to skin; no chance of increasing Skinning skill level.

2. Which classes should learn Skinning?

Skinning is mainly coupled with the Leatherworking so that the leather / mail wearer can create powerful objects that will serve them as well during their leveling phase as well as at level 60.

Here are the classes we recommend take Skinning:

skinning class

Druid / Hunter / Shaman / Rogue: Easy Money!

If it's your first character in the game: Skinning will be perfect for any class since it will allow you to gain a lot of money that will be needed for your future purchases such as your level 40/60 mounts, consumables (food , drinks, potion) or even new equipment for your character !

skinning class

3. Leveling Skinning 1-60

Go visit any Skinning master and learn the "Apprentice" skill. Do not forget to buy a Skinning knife.

In these areas, you will mainly find the following resources :

lvl 1-60 : Horde - Durotar

horde skinning durotar

lvl 1-60 : Alliance - Dun Murogh

alliance skinning dun murogh

4. Leveling Skinning 60-110

When you reach 60, return to your master to learn the «Journeyman" skill.

In these areas, you will mainly find the following resources :

lvl 60-110 : Horde - The Barrens

horde skinning

lvl 60--10 : Alliance - Loch Modan

alliance skinning dun murogh

5. Leveling Skinning 110-185

When you reach 110, return to your master and learn the skill of "Expert"

In these areas, you will mainly find the following resources:

lvl 110-185 : Horde - Ashenvale

horde skinning durotar

lvl 110-185 : Alliance - Wetlands

alliance skinning dun murogh

6. Leveling Skinning 185-225

Return to your master as soon as you reach 205 to get the "Artisan" skill.
In this area, you will mainly find the following resources

lvl 185 – 225 Horde / Alliance – Shimmering Flats

horde skinning

7. Leveling Skinning 225-260

In this area, you will mainly find the following resources

lvl 225– 260 Horde / Alliance – Tanaris

horde skinning

8. Leveling Skinning 260-300

In this area, you will mainly find the following resources

lvl 260– 300 Horde / Alliance – Un'Goro Crater

horde skinning

9. List of Leathers / Hides

You can find the complete list on our guide "The list of all hides, skins and scales in Classic WoW".

10. Congratulations, you reached lvl 300!

Your adventure is coming to an end ... relieved ?! And that's good! Now you have to farm at the Crater of Ungoro: Devilsaur's Paradise! Stay in the yellow circle and skin up everything you find! Time is money !

devilsaur skinning

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