Here is our 1-300 cooking guide for Classic WoW. The best tips to quickly level your profession.
After doing guides for the main professions, we
had to tackle secondary ones. Today we’re cooking! This guide’s goal is to help
you cultivate your gift for rotisserie. Welcome to our dedicated Classic WoW
Cooking guide! Find out how to level cooking from 1 to 300 optimally,
minimizing chores and groceries.
In Classic WoW, Cooking is a secondary profession which allows players to combine various ingredients found by killing monsters or fishing into delicious meals and drinks. These items will restore health, mana and even grant nice buffs.
This profession is often twinned with Fishing, fish being an excellent medium to increase your cooking skill. Careful however, fishing requires patience! No worries, we also have a guide to help you level your Fishing from 1 to 300.Unlike Retail where professions are very bland, food is essential in Classic WoW, whether for leveling, dungeons, raids or even giving you an edge in PvP. Careful, like all buffs, they disappear if you die. If you’re gonna use them for PvP you’ll need to stock up. Consider yourself warned!
Cooking trainers will teach you Apprentice (1-75) and Journeyman (75-150). Regardless of which trainer you pick, the cost is the same.
Alliance trainers
Horde trainers
Once you’ve learned Cuisine from a cooking trainer, you can start cooking some delicious meals !
You get some recipes at level 1. Beware: aside from gathering the needed ingredients you will need a fire to cook your food. You can use the fire next to cooking trainers or build one yourself.
Learning cooking will indeed immediately teach you how to build a Feu de camp basique, allowing you to transform your ingredients a meal. To create a cookfire you need Silex et amadou and Bois simple that you can buy from general goods vendors. We recommend leveling about 30 points with the same recipe. Don’t spend money to buy the ingredients and use the fires already present in the game.Like all professions, there are many ways to reach the maximum level in the cooking. You can use items that you find by looting corpses, freshly caught fish or, if you have sufficient funds, buy components from the Auction House. All these ways work, there's no better way. All depends on you, if you have the patience for fishing, if you'd rather go genocide for meat.
You will regularly find meat in Classic WoW while leveling, farming reputation or in dungeons. Inventory space being very limited, here is a list of ingredients you will want to keep or buy at the Auction House to level Cooking to 300 with meat.
(1-50) Viande de loup grillée (x 1 Viande de loup maigre ) ou Viande de sanglier rôtie (x 1 Morceau de viande de sanglier)
(50-75) Viande d'ours fumée (x 1 Viande d'ours)
(75-100) Beignet de crabe (x 1 Chair de clampant, 1 Epices douces) ou Pince de crabe farcie (x 1 Pince de clampant, 1 Epices douces)
(100-150) Kébab de loup assaisonné (x 2 Steak de loup, 1 Herbes aromatiques de Stormwind) ou Omelette au goût étrange (x 1 Oeuf de raptor, 1 Epices fortes)
(150-175) Omelette au goût étrange (x 1 Oeuf de raptor, 1 Epices fortes) ou Côtelettes de lion épicées (x 1 Viande de lion, 1 Epices fortes)
(175-200) Bisque de tortue apaisante (x 1 Viande de tortue, 1 Epices apaisantes) ou Rôti de raptor (x 1 Chair de raptor, 1 Epices fortes
(200-225) Saucisse d'araignée (x 2 Viande d'araignée blanche ) ou Rôti de raptor (x 1 Chair de raptor, 1 Epices fortes )
(225-275) Omelette monstrueuse (x 1 Oeuf géant, 2 Epices apaisantes ) ou Steak de loup tendre (x 1 Viande de loup tendre, 1 Epices apaisantes )
(275-300) Boulettes fumées du désert (x 1 Chair de ver des sables, 1 Epices apaisantes )
To be more clear, you need to acquire all this to level Cooking from 1 to 300 :
Cooking works very well with Pêche and the two professions can be leveled up at the same time. It’s a good solution if you like to stay for hours close to water or if your class has trouble grinding. Or if you feel too lazy to run around killing mobs (1-50) Goujon brillant (x 1 Goujon brillant cru)
(50-100) Lutjan à longue mâchoire (x 1 Lutjan à longue mâchoire cru)
(100-175) Poisson-chat moustachu (x 1 Poisson-chat moustachu cru)
(175-225) Truite tête-mithril (x 1 Truite tête-mithril crue)
(225-250) Jaune-queue tacheté (x 1 Jaune-queue tacheté cru)
(250-275)Saumon solécaille poché (x 1 Saumon solécaille cru)
(275-300) Steak de barracuda (x 1 Grand barracuda cru, 1 Epices fortes, 1 Epices apaisantes)
Most lower level recipes are sold by fishing vendors throughout the world. A few recipes are sold by unique NPCS
Recette : Jaune-queue tacheté and Recette : Saumon solécaille poché are sold by Gikkix at the harbor north-east of Gadgetzan.
Recette : Steak de barracuda is sold by Sheendra Tallgrass and Vivianna.
To be clearer, this is what you need to farm to level cooking from 1 to 300 with fishes:
In order to learn Expert Cuisine and gain the ability to raise your skill up to 225, you need to purchase Livre de cuisine pour expert for 1 gold. Ouch, it hurts, especially since you can reach 150 cooking pretty fast. Here is where you can find the book depending on your faction:
For the Alliance: Shandrina , Ashenvale
For the Horde: Wulan , Desolace
In order to become a true artisan and gain the ability to level Cooking from 225 to 300, you will need to be level 35 (same for every profession) and have a cooking skill of 225. The quest chain allowing you to unlock Artisan Cooking is locked until you fulfill these conditions. Once that is done, grab the quest, depending on your faction:
Now that you have the quest, gather the following ingredients in order to be ready to meet Dirge Quikcleave in Gadgetzan, Tanaris.
Once Dirge Quikcleave found in Gadgetzan, he will give you Surprise de palourdes.
Give him the items he needs and you will learn Artisan Cooking. As a bonus, you also get x20 Surprise de palourdes.
Cooking can be very lucrative, especially if you know what to cook. Here are a few popular Cooking recipes that will net you some dosh. You can either sell the recipe, or cook them yourself to sell the resulting meals.
Fun recipes:
The real potential of deviate fish awakens when it is cooked. Indeed, Délice de déviant will transform you into either a Ninja or a Pirate ! This effect lasts for 1h and disappears if you die.
Cooking Recipes with the highest value to use or sell:
Careful ! Food buffs don’t stack, you can only have one « well fed » bonus at a time.
Thanks for taking the time to read this Classic WoW Cooking guide ! If you need more information, you can look at our Guides. Want to know more about WoW’s world, news and class guides? Don’t hesitate to check our other sections and follow us on Twitter and Discord.
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