Burning Crusade is back! After 1 and a half years of play on Wow Classic, Blizzard confirms the arrival of the extension : Burning Crusade Classic
Burning Crusade is back! After 1 and a half years of playing on Wow Classic, Blizzard confirms the arrival of the community's favourite expansion: Burning Crusade! The announced server version will be 2.4.3! Let's take stock together of the post-Blizzcon 2021 period:
After announcing at the last BlizzCon that the Burning Crusade and Worth of Liche King expansions would continue the gaming experience, we're now confident that TBC Classic will arrive on 2021 This is great news for the entire Classic community, who have been looking forward to this release to relive the unique experience of the early arena seasons! The Wowisclassic team will continue in the development of TBC Classic in order to offer you guides to help you during your adventure! Here are already the guides dedicated to TBC Classic
This is great news for our lovers and Try harder of this emblematic game! Blizzard will set up "Fresh" servers where content will be reset and begin Phase 1! Our beloved private server players are regulars of this kind of reset, with the same passion and desire to rebuild a character and finish the game with the same team over and over again! It's with this precise goal in mind that Blizzard has decided to make the servers "Fresh" in order to bring together the true lovers of the Vanilla / Classic experience!
Have you never played Classic WoW, but you're interested in experiencing Classic Burning Crusade? Blizzard has just released the official Classic Burning Crusade site, and on the FAQ section, they have confirmed that players will have access to optional level 58 Character Boosts at some point near the launch of Classic Burning Crusade!
I have never played WoW Classic but I'm interested in Burning Crusade Classic. How can I join my friends?
If you don’t have characters ready for the journey beyond the Dark Portal and are interested in adventuring in Outland with your friends, we will offer an optional Level-58 Character Boost service closer to the launch of Burning Crusade Classic.
This boost will not be usable on Classic Era realms or on the new blood elf or draenei races; in addition, players will be limited to boosting only one character per World of Warcraft account. Further details, including details around pricing and availability, will be announced at a later date.
In an interview for PCGamer, production director Patrick Dawson and lead producer Holly Longdale, revealed that Classic The Burning Crusade will feature pre-nerf bosses at launch, since players have decades of knowledge at the content. So Blizzard is turning up the difficulty. "Originally the raids in Burning Crusade were really difficult.
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Here is our guide to help you finding the best class PVP & PVE.
Blizzard has posted the notes for the latest WoW Classic PTR, including Ahn'QIraj and the Scepter event open for testing, improvements to the threat API, and the ability to earn additional bag slots when attaching an authenticator.
Blizzard has announced several upcoming hotfixes for WoW Classic, focused on improving the spawn rate of Black Lotus and hindering WSG exploits.
Check out the content for Classic Phase 2, get ready for new adventures!
17 new realms are now available on one single layer! Is yours already in the list?