Blizzard has announced that Arathi Basin will open on March 10th, with Zul'Gurub and Dragons of Nightmare in April 2020.
Blizzard has announced that Arathi Basin will open on March 10th, with Zul'Gurub and Dragons of Nightmare in April 2020.
The WoW Classic PTR just opened for the first time, with Phase 4 content available for testing in advance.
With the WoW Classic PTR now open for business, we have a test environment where we can dig into some of the content that is coming soon to WoW Classic.
To be specific, our plan is to open Arathi Basin on all realms the week of March 10. At that time, we will also kick off the Battleground Holidays system.
We plan to open Zul’Gurub and release the fabled Dragons of Nightmare in April.
We’ll let you know as soon as we have an exact time that those content unlocks will occur.
hank you!
Source : Blizzard
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Blizzard has posted the notes for the latest WoW Classic PTR, including Ahn'QIraj and the Scepter event open for testing, improvements to the threat API, and the ability to earn additional bag slots when attaching an authenticator.
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17 new realms are now available on one single layer! Is yours already in the list?