Classic WoW : Leak of the release date !

Release date of Classic WoW has been leaked! An ex-employee of Blizzard sent us more details.

Classic WoW: We know the release date!

Posté le 01/04/2019 by Kipik_WiC
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This week, a leak was made by a former World of Warcraft communications officer who was dismissed following Activision's recent dismissal wave.

release date classic wow

Classic WoW is officially announced on several forums and we can today give its release date.

Blizzard from its nearly 14 years of operation and these 10 million monthly subscribers had announced at the BlizzCon 2017 that the first opus released in 2004 would review the day in 2019.

A lot of articles and news have since flooded on blogs and video game forums around the globe. The developers had a lot of unknowns and technical challenges such as server management which since the beginning of the first version has evolved.

Blizzard knows that part of the community is likely to play WoW Classic for a few days and will quickly return to the most recent expansion, but as for the population that has seen and grown with the 2004 version, they should stay on these waiters to relive part of their childhood as well as regain some nostalgia.

A leak of one of Blizzard's members has been revealed on Google news and on the active forums of World of WarCraft. It will be necessary to think of staggering your holidays because summer will be hot!

World of Warcraft: Classic is announced for August 25, 2019!

We should see Kaivax officially announce it!

The joy was felt within the community shortly after this leak that has already seen the impact on the explosion of computer controls oriented "Gamer" proposed by computer companies including French.

Do not miss the opportunity to get up to speed quickly by discovering the guides of your favorite classes on as July is fast approaching.

Have a nice day in Azeroth.

Oh by the way, happy April Fool's Day ;-)

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About author: Kipik_WiC
Kipik_WiC’s avatar
Co-fondateur de Wowisclassic - Rédacteur de guides et de news. Son dicton : Ki s'y frotte s'y Pik 🤠


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