To address the longest queues on some WoW Classic realms, we’ve just implemented layering and character creation restrictions
Here come the specific on those layering additions, as Blizzard have specified which US and EU servers will be getting layers, which will have transfers to them disabled and which will have character creation disabled. Both the US and EU sides have received 9 layered realms, while each has had character creation disabled on 1 realm.
To address the longest queues on some WoW Classic realms, we’ve just implemented layering and character creation restrictions.
The following realms are now layered and unavailable for paid character transfers or new players:
Additionally, we have also restricted character creation and transfers to the Grobbulus realm.
To address the longest queues on some WoW Classic realms, we’ve just implemented layering and character creation restrictions.
The following realms are now layered and unavailable for paid character transfers or new players:
Additionally, we have also restricted character creation and transfers to the Zandalar Tribe realm.
As layers have been implemented on 18 servers we now also received clarification on how World Bosses will function on these realms. World Bosses will spawn on separate timers for each layer, as the timers do not affect each other in any way, so it's technically possible they do actually spawn at the same time, but very unlikely. World events, however, are global and function the same on both layers, so the fishing tournament can only have 1 winner.
Each layer has its own independent spawn timers.
So when Kazzak or Azuregos decides to spawn on one layer, it doesn’t affect the other layer at all. This way, a dominant guild wouldn’t kill him, and then layer-hop to kill him again.
The Dragons of Nightmare are also tracked independently on each layer. All four dragons spawn at once on a layer when its time for them to do so.
FWIW, the fishing tournament is different. It’s tracked globally, and will only have one winner per realm each week.
Source : Blizzard
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17 new realms are now available on one single layer! Is yours already in the list?