WoW Classic - European realms structures

As we get closer to WoW Classic’s release, we thought now would be a good time to talk about our plans for Classic realms here in Europe.

Only european realms?

Posté le 20/06/2019 by Kipik_WiC
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Blizzard blue post (Source from Blizzard Forum)

As we get closer to WoW Classic’s release, we thought now would be a good time to talk about our plans for Classic realms here in Europe.

We’ve prepared several realms, which will include Player vs Player, Player vs Environment, and Role-playing realms.

For Classic, we’re planning on not splitting up realms by language. This has its advantages and disadvantages, but overall, we think that it’s the best starting point for WoW Classic. An exception will be made for the Russian language, which will have separate realms due to its reliance on the Cyrillic Alphabet. For technical reasons this will also mean Russian is going to have its own separate game client, similar to what happened in The Burning Crusade.

We think this approach will give players more freedom to move around to where they want, and find guilds and friends that best match their interests.

Source : Blizzard

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Co-fondateur de Wowisclassic - Rédacteur de guides et de news. Son dicton : Ki s'y frotte s'y Pik 🤠


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