Classic WoW : First screenshots of the beta

Following the last news confirming the release of the beta, here are the first screenshots of the beta!

Classic WoW : First screenshots of the beta

Posté le 19/04/2019 by Kipik_WiC
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Here are exclusive first screenshots of the Classic WoW Beta.
These screenshots brings us very important information about the launch of WoW Classic:

  • "Bug report" buttons which proves that these are images of the beta.
  • The auto loot will be available from the launch of the game!
  • The "Colorblind mode" that allows color-blind people to manage their colors.
  • Feature "Hide the helmet / cloak".
  • There is no "Cash Shop" button in the menu bar!
  • Progressive itemization.
  • Mounts 100% which had been removed in patch 1.04 will be available from the launch of the game!
  • Different graphic settings will be available (WoW Classic Old School Graphics / Modern HD Graphics)
wow classic beta screenshot
Classic old school graphics vs Graphics HD
wow classic beta screenshot
wow classic beta screenshot
Bug report buttons
wow classic beta screenshot
Auto loot feature will be available
wow classic beta screenshot
Colorblind mode
wow classic beta screenshot
Feature "Hide Helm / Cloak"
wow classic beta screenshot
No "Cash Shop" button in the menu!
wow classic beta screenshot
Progressive itemization
wow classic beta screenshot
Rare mount 100% that has been deleted at patch 1.04

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About author: Kipik_WiC
Kipik_WiC’s avatar
Co-fondateur de Wowisclassic - Rédacteur de guides et de news. Son dicton : Ki s'y frotte s'y Pik 🤠


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