Check out the best DPS Rankings recorded in the Molten Core and Onyxia raids! What classes and roles are you currently playing?
While World of Warcraft Classic was launched a month ago, on August 26, hundreds of guilds have already been able to climb the ladder and engage aggressive negotiations with the bosses of Molten Core and Onyxia.
Thanks to the recordings of many statistics, these guilds were able to bring their details into a big common database in order to obtain metrics about the Classes' DPS during these raids.
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Of course, not everything revolves around the "Who Has the Biggest d...DPS", because many classes have unique skills bringing great bonuses to the table.
There are also consumables such as foods, potions and elixirs, but also equipment optimizations and buffs through unique skills.
The following Tiers represent the best DPS found in the Molten Core and Onyxia raids.
Remember this when you create a raid roster: it is composed of multiple groups. In these groups, you have to put classes that combo greatly between themselves thanks to their skills and talents. Doing this will optimize the raid DPS output!
Three examples:
Warriors - At the top of the hill, Warriors have many BiS items (Best in Slot) Pre-Raids allowing them to maximize their damage output. Among the best weapons, you can count on Ironfoe, Axe of the Deep Woods, Mirah's Song or Felstriker. For the Horde, Windfury totems give a massive bonus to damage. For the Alliance, you will gain multiple bonuses thanks to the Paladins' auras. The Warriors are mainly Fury.
Rogues- Combat Rogues
are welcome to make the DPS reach higher levels. Highly dependent on their
weapons like the Warriors, you will appreciate the help of Dal'Rend's
Sacred Charge in BiS, the Thrash Blade
and the famous Perdition
Mages -
With a very simple skills rotation, the Frost Mages rival the top DPS and will
be even better once the Ahn'Qiraj raid is open. We will surely see more Fire
Mage in the future, but the early raids aren't very kind to them because of
many fire resistances, nullifying the effectiveness of fire spells. The Robe
of the Archmage is a coveted item, and paired with
the Ban'Thok Sash
or the Star
of Mystaria, you'll do wonders.
Warlocks -
Remember, when you Classic the curses won't stack up together between the
Warlock. The latter, specializing in Affliction, will usually have only one
Curse to maintain, with the best Affli player maintaining the Curse
of Agony and possibly Corruption
while the other Warlocks will play Demonology, spamming Shadow
Bolt without forgetting their damage bursts thanks to
sacrifice. The Robe
of the Void, the Underworld
Band or the Drakestone
are excellent gears for you.
Hunters -
You will always find Hunters Precisions among the best DPS. While the best ones
carry weapons like the Blackcrow
or a Dwarven
Hand Cannon, the lucky ones will proudly brag
with their Rhok'Delar,
Longbow of the Ancient Keepers.
Priests -
Mainly playing in Shadow form, the Priests are primarily used to channel the Shadow
Weaving talent, increasing the shadow damage for
Warlocks. They are then dependent on consumables to keep their damage as high
as possible. Anathema
is an excellent staff for you.
Druids -
The Feral DPS represent a small portion of the other Feral Tanks. To be
effective and reach DPS levels close to the Hunters, they will likely gear the Wolfshead
Helm, crafted by the Leatherworkers
or the Flarecore
Wraps and the Mark
of the Dragon Lord to increase Mana regen. Often
depicted as too manavorous, only 1% of Druids play Balance, and even buffed,
their damage doesn't always climb high. The Druids are also praised for their
excellent buffs like the Leader
of the Pack, Innervate
and Rebirth.
They are very popular Healers with many BiS gear available quickly.
Shaman - The vast majority of the Shaman population are playing Heal Restoration, while the DPS focus on Elemental damage, a bit like the Frost Mages and the Demonology Warlocks. Enhancement is much less played but most useful for the Warrior Raid groups thanks to the Windfury totem enhanced by their Improved Weapons Totems talent. They will then alternate between this Windfury totem, their rotation and the Grace of Air totem. The BiS equipment is close to the Druid's stats and the armour is mail. Go and tank Ragnaros now! ;p
Paladin -
Situational and focused on utility, Paladins's Auras offer multiple bonuses to
their teams and the players are often off-Healin their raid's members. They are
therefore at the bottom of the DPS ladder, but the Sacred Healers are very powerful and ones of the most appreciated in
the game. Remember to bring your Obsidian
Edged Blade and your Ret talent called Improved
Blessing of Might.
What about you, what spec did you choose to play the First Phase of Classic?
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Blizzard has posted the notes for the latest WoW Classic PTR, including Ahn'QIraj and the Scepter event open for testing, improvements to the threat API, and the ability to earn additional bag slots when attaching an authenticator.
Blizzard has announced several upcoming hotfixes for WoW Classic, focused on improving the spawn rate of Black Lotus and hindering WSG exploits.
Check out the content for Classic Phase 2, get ready for new adventures!
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