Number of players: 122
Open for all classesRaid times:
Wednesday 20:00-23:00 CET (Main raid)
Monday 20:00-23:00 CET
Whisper Anglabarn or Vulpes in game or DM me on discord.
-We are a semi-harcore guild and thus we take raiding seriously.
-Clearing Molten Core and Onyxia since week 2 without any issues.
-Raiders should strive to have as high attendance as possible.
-Raiders should be in time for every raid they have signed up for. (Even if you can't come, tell us beforehand.)
-Know your class and how to use it to it's full potential.
-Discord is mandatory for all raiders. -Have a positive attitude both inside and outside raiding.
-We are using loot council with class leaders.
Currently looking for:
Tank: - No available spots
- 1x Warrior
- 1x Warlock
- 1x Paladin
- 1x Druid