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What we provide:
- An outstanding raiding environment lead by an experienced raid-leader with years of experience in leading in both PvE and PvP
- Announced speedruns for content on farm
- Expected first raid clear in second reset
- A welcoming and mature social environment which share a strong and friendly community in and outside of raids
- InHouse test server and active discord community
- We are an established core of players spanning through several servers, most with experience all throughout Naxxramas
- We strive to become our servers best PvE guild
- We will push to achieve several world-boss kills as a leaders of coalition
- We've been present and competitive on various vanilla and TBC servers</p>
- Experienced and competitive players who are dedicated to the game and their character
- Player who understands and accepts that his performance, attendance and attitude directly reflects his gains
- Person with a sufficiently mature attitude to thrive in a social and raiding environment
- Max 8 days to 60, being familiar with farming methods, encounters and wPvP