Learn the differences between Classic & BFA’s Warsong Gulch, reputation, rewards and tips to farm honor!
Welcome to the Warsong Gulch (WSG) guide for Classic WoW. For those who’ve never tried this battleground in Vanilla, you’ll notice several significant differences. This is why WoWIsClassic has the privilege to give you all the information you might require in order to lead your team to victory and climb the PvP ranks.
Notably, the strategical aspect is more important in Classic WoW compared to BfA, largely because of the unique buffs players can grab on the battlefield, the specific locations used to attack the enemy base or defend against the enemy’s main group, and the rewards you can gain. Let’s go, brave warriors, to victory!
WSG is an instanced battleground. This means that unlike dungeons, you need to register and queue to enter them. First, you need to find the NPC responsible for Battlegrounds in one of your Faction’s capitals’:
Horde side:
Alliance Side:
If you want to make it harder for some reason, you can also walk to the BG’s entrance. Horde players will go to the North of the Barrens. Alliance players will go to Southern Ashenvale to find the Brigadier General corresponding to the battleground.
Of course it would be weird if level 60 characters could fight against players who just reached level 20. The BG is divided in brackets, and is available from level 10 :
Note : If you’re at the max level for a bracket (say, 19) and while you’re pexing you gain a level (20 in this case), you will remain in the bracket for which you registered for the next fight (so 10-19).
Overall the battlefield is identical: a 10v10 capture the flag mode with a few buffs hidden around the map to allow you to turn the tide of a fight or escape unharmed.
The first difference is how high the graveyard is. In BfA, as soon as you’re resurrected you can join the battle immediately. In Classic, you will take fall damage if you drop down immediately, making you more vulnerable and possibly dying again immediately, especially if there is no reactive healer nearby.
There are also more obstacles that block line of sight (to the sorrow of enemy casters and Hunters), allowing you to kite or take advantage of an enemy’s mistake to run away more easily.The main differnece (and not just for WSG) is that there is no more time limit for victory. Whoever captures the flag 3 times wins. This means the game can end up in a deadlock and last for hours.
We mentioned that buffs were hidden on the map. Despite their strength, these buffs can’t be dispelled by a right click. This can be troublesome for the Berserking buff (not the troll racial): they’re often focused by the enemy team because of their damage, and because they’re easier to kill.
Anoter noticable difference: In BfA, the flag holder gets a debuff called Assaut focalisé which stacks up to 10 times and increases damage taken by 10% per stack (up to 100%) and also prevents using abilities increasing movement speed. In Classic WoW, not so! If the flag holder is wearing plate armor, well geared or well supported, it will be very difficult to take him down. This explains why some WSGs can last for hours.Hidden on the map are coffers containing one of 3 buffs: Berserking, Speed or Restoration. What they do is self-explanatory. They can be very helpful and possibly turn the tide of a fight.
As in every BG, coordination and communication are key. Being immobile makes you an easy target: communicate quickly and clearly to make yourself understood, especially if you’re not on voice chat with your team.
You must use the chat, and using abbreviations wis necessary to send messages quickly :
Note : when talking about the enemy, add « e » in front of the abbreviation. For example, “ebase » = enemy base. Familiarize yourself with these abbreviations so you can use them as needed.
Example : efc ramp
Meaning: “The enemy flag carrier is at our ramp”
After every BG, the victors receive 3 Marks of honor. Losers only receive one. These marks allow you to buy rewards available only at the quartermaster at the entrance of every instanced Battleground (Barrens or Ashenvale for WSG). These rewards are mainly mats and consumables specific to the BG as well as items such as the Warsong Battle Tabard for the Horde or the Silverwing Battle Tabard for the Alliance.
The list is pretty long and contains some interesting items, but most players will increase their rep with Warsong to acquire these level 60 bracers:
Twinks (low level character that are incredibly well geared) will try to reach Revered reputation in order to acquire excellent weapons such as Epée de légionnaire, Lame d'éclaireur and Arc de voltigeur for hunters. For example, Lame de l'Assassin can be solda t the AH for over 350 gold, and Arc de Flèche de feu for 200 for level 39 Hunter twinks.
The Horde vendor, Kelm Hargunth is located on the border between the Barrens and Ashenvale.The Alliance vendor Illiyana Moonblaze can be found in Ashenvale, west of the entrance to The Barrens.
Battlegrounds, like raids, require a minimum of organization and coordination in order to strike effectively and win. These tips aren’t very complex strategies but basics to master and use from the get go, especially if you’re not a veteran and are new to WSG.
the fight begins, each team has a short time to prepare. During this time, designate a FC depending on
your team’s composition. Usually, a Druid is the best option. They can move fast, remove slows and heal
themselves. Otherwise, choose a class
with heavy armor (Protection Warrior or Paladin for example) and assign a
healer to that person who will always be with him.
WSG is
a 10v10 battle. Stay
with a group and if you have to split, keep
communicating throughout the BG with the /bg command. Generally, a leader
will emerge to coordinate offense and defense both, but he’ll need to know what
goes on on the battlefield. Don’t hesitate to speak up, information is key to adopt a good strategy. Don’t worry about negative people, only listen to (and
only say) positive messages.
Knowing what’s going on in middle is good. Controlling mid is better, but that doesn’t mean you should park there. On the contrary, focus on keeping your FC safe or look for the enemy’s although don’t go too far toward the egy (enemy graveyard). Not only does it make it likely you’ll end up facing overwhelming odds, you might miss out on an opportunity to reclaim your own flag.
If your FC is too far, get ready to take the flag yourself. Make sure you pay attention to what your team is doing. Make sure you drop this flag in your base when your team is about to kill the enemy FC so your opponents can’t reclaim it. That’s it, you scored!The
Graveyard respawns players every 30 seconds. This time is linked to the graveyard only. Depending
on when you die, you can respawn immediately or have to wait up to 30 seconds. Don’t
hesitate to ask about this timer. Sometimes it’s better to die on purpose in order
to respawn at full strength and prepare an assault, or to defend your base.
the FC uses invulnerabilities such as Ice Block, Divine Shield, Feign Death,
Blessing of Protection he will drop the flag, giving the enemy an opportunity
to secure it.
As explained earlier, participants will receive Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor. These tablets grant 50 faction reputation (Warsong Defilers for the Horde, Silverwing Sentinels for the Alliance) as well as some experience:
At level 60, winning a BG grants 198 honor. As an example, let’s say you’re level 60 and are the designated FC. You win the BG 3-0. You will earn a total of 398x3+198 = 1392 honor + 3 Marks of Honor, granting you an additional 398 honor for a total of 1790 honor just from objectives (we did tell you not to focus on kills). Conversely, losing a BG and having never capped a flag will only grant you a single Mark of Honor and nothing else.
During the notorious “BG week-ends” you will earn twice as much reputation for flag captures. The winning team will receive a 990 honor bonus added to the usual 198. This means a 3-0 win will give 398x3+198+990 = 2382 honor. Add to that the marks: 2780 honor. Note that during these week-ends, the losing team also gets an additional 594 at the end of a BG, making losing significantly less painful.Thanks
to every contributor and the following sources for helping to create this
guide : Zeke, Wowisclassic guild GM, Gossusha, Wowisclassic author.
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