Here is the Stockade Guide for Classic WoW. You'll find the boss list, loot table and entrance location to clean Stockade as quick as possible.
The Stockade is a high-security prison complex, hidden beneath the canal district of Stormwind city. Presided over by Warden Thelwater, the Stockade is home to petty crooks, political insurgents, murderers and a score of the most dangerous criminals in the land. Recently, a prisoner-led revolt has resulted in a state of pandemonium within the stockade - where the guards have been driven out and the convicts roam free.
Thelwater has managed to escape the holding area and is currently enlisting
brave thrill-seekers to venture into the prison and kill the uprising's
mastermind - the cunning felon, Bazil Thredd.
Unlike most instances, the Stockade has exceptionally poor loot from bosses, with the exception of one rare spawn. This is believed to be because, being in the center of the human capital, it would be too easy to farm.
you need to know about The Stockade dungeon entrance is mentioned in
this guide. The Stockade instance portal is situated in the northeast
corner of the Mage Quarter. The dungeon serves as a prison for the criminals
and crooks of Stormwind but has been under threat from a recent internal
Check out the pictures below. Follow the yellow mark to get in.
A recommanded composition is a balanced group of players around level 27, with a decent level 27, at least, tank or very competent players for the final mini-boss.
Enemy Level Range: 23-26 elites
The Stockade map: It is the second group dungeon that most Alliance players will run. Due to its location and availability of quests, it is effectively an Alliance-only dungeon.
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