Here is the Gnomeregan Guide for Classic WoW. You'll find the boss list, loot table and entrance location to clean Gnomeregan as quick as possible.
Located in Dun Morogh, the technological wonder known as Gnomeregan has been the gnomes' capital city for generations. Recently, a hostile race of mutant troggs infested several regions of Dun Morogh - including the great gnome city.
In a desperate attempt to destroy the invading troggs, High Tinker Mekkatorque ordered the emergency venting of the city's radioactive waste tanks. Several gnomes sought shelter from the airborne pollutants as they waited for the troggs to die or flee
though the troggs became irradiated from the toxic assault - their siege
continued, unabated. Those gnomes who were not killed by noxious seepage were
forced to flee, seeking refuge in the nearby dwarven city of Ironforge. There,
High Tinker Mekkatorque set out to enlist brave souls to help his people
reclaim their beloved city.
is rumored that Mekkatorque's once-trusted advisor, Mekgineer Thermaplugg,
betrayed his people by allowing the invasion to happen. Now, his sanity
shattered, Thermaplugg remains in Gnomeregan - furthering his dark schemes and
acting as the city's new techno-overlord.
Gnomeregan is located in Dun Morogh, an Alliance zone, Horde players can easily
access the instance by completing the questline started with "Rig Wars" by Nogg at Orgrimmar. This will enable a teleporter at Booty Bay, in
Stranglethorn Vale, that will bring you close to the dungeon's entrance.
Everyone will find their happiness in Gnomeregan.
you need to know about Gnomeregan dungeon entrance is mentioned in this
guide. The instance portal is located in Dun Morogh. Due to its location
and quest availability, it is primarily run by Alliance players, but it’s not
uncommon to see Horde players form groups for it.
Check out the pictures below. Follow the yellow mark to get in.
Gnomeregan is often described as one of the most frustrating early instances by many players. Its long, twisting layout makes it easy to get lost, aggro-pulling alarm sentries make already dicey pulls more difficult, and quests often require players to enter the dungeon more than once.
without further delay the complete list of encounters considered important in
this instance !
Enemy Level Range: 26-29 elites
It will take you between 1h and 1h30 to clean the entire instance.
Thank you for taking the time to read this Classic WoW Gnomeregan Guide! If you’re looking for more guides to aid you on your Classic journey, you can check out our Classic Dungeon Guides.
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