Enhancement Shaman PvE Guide - Spec, Rotation, Macros, Consumables

The ultimate PvE guide for Enhancement Shamans. Find out about the best spec, optimized rotations, macros and desirable gear to become the best DPS Shaman in Classic WoW.

Enhancement Shaman PvE Guide- WoW Classic

Posté le 12/07/2019
 118,753  88  0  Favorites

Welcome to our WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman guide, made to help you understand how the class worked during Vanilla

This guide will help you optimize your Shaman’s DPS for level 60 PvE content; potentially allowing you to become your group/raid/guild’s best DPS…or even the server’s! ;)

We recommend you use our shaman leveling guide 1-60  to reach level 60 fast and comfortably.

Enhancement Shamans use their own strength combined with the elements’ to fight their enemies in close combat.

DPS-wise, Enhancement Shamans are worth their salt in PvE and PvP both because of their support totems.
enhancement shaman pve guide wow classic

1. Recommended race for Enhancement Shaman in PvE

Here is the race we recommend you pick for your Enhancement Shaman in WoW Classic for PvE or PvP

Horde PVE : Orc

Fureur sanguinaire : DPS Burst that stacks with trinkets, potions
Spécialisation Hache : Increases your hit chance and lowers the enemies’ dodge/parry/block chance if you’re using axes.

Orc is the best choice for Enhancement Shamans.

You should usually use a two-handed axe, meaning Orc’s Spécialisation Hache will be very beneficial, and Fureur sanguinaire increases your AP by 25%, giving you huge burst.

2. Recommended professions for Enhancement Shamans

Here are the professions we recommend you pick for your Enhancement Shamans for PvE.


Skinning is a very good choice when combined with Leatherworking, allowing you to be almost self-sufficient.


The main appeal of Leatherworking is the creation of armors.


Herbalism lets you gather plants and herbs. Combine it with Alchemy and you can now make your own potions to get ready for raids, or simply sell the mat the Auction House for gold.


Crafting potions, oils or elixirs.

3. The best Enhancement Shaman PvE spec




Reduces the mana cost of your Shock, Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 2%.

Reduces the mana cost of your Shock, Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 2%.

Next level:

Reduces the mana cost of your Shock, Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 4%.

Reduces the mana cost of your Shock, Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 4%.

Next level:

Reduces the mana cost of your Shock, Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 6%.

Reduces the mana cost of your Shock, Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 6%.

Next level:

Reduces the mana cost of your Shock, Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 8%.

Reduces the mana cost of your Shock, Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 8%.

Next level:

Reduces the mana cost of your Shock, Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 10%.

Reduces the mana cost of your Shock, Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 10%.




Increases the damage done by your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning and Shock spells by 1%.

Increases the damage done by your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning and Shock spells by 1%.

Next level:

Increases the damage done by your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning and Shock spells by 2%.

Increases the damage done by your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning and Shock spells by 2%.

Next level:

Increases the damage done by your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning and Shock spells by 3%.

Increases the damage done by your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning and Shock spells by 3%.

Next level:

Increases the damage done by your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning and Shock spells by 4%.

Increases the damage done by your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning and Shock spells by 4%.

Next level:

Increases the damage done by your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning and Shock spells by 5%.

Increases the damage done by your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning and Shock spells by 5%.

Earth's Grasp

Earth's Grasp


Increases the health of your Stoneclaw Totem by 25% and the radius of your Earthbind Totem by 10%.

Increases the health of your Stoneclaw Totem by 25% and the radius of your Earthbind Totem by 10%.

Next level:

Increases the health of your Stoneclaw Totem by 50% and the radius of your Earthbind Totem by 20%.

Increases the health of your Stoneclaw Totem by 50% and the radius of your Earthbind Totem by 20%.

Elemental Warding

Elemental Warding


Reduces damage taken from Fire, Frost and Nature effects by 4%.

Reduces damage taken from Fire, Frost and Nature effects by 4%.

Next level:

Reduces damage taken from Fire, Frost and Nature effects by 7%.

Reduces damage taken from Fire, Frost and Nature effects by 7%.

Next level:

Reduces damage taken from Fire, Frost and Nature effects by 10%.

Reduces damage taken from Fire, Frost and Nature effects by 10%.

Call of Flame

Call of Flame


Increases the damage done by your Fire Totems by 5%

Increases the damage done by your Fire Totems by 5%

Next level:

Increases the damage done by your Fire Totems by 10%

Increases the damage done by your Fire Totems by 10%

Next level:

Increases the damage done by your Fire Totems by 15%

Increases the damage done by your Fire Totems by 15%

Elemental Focus

Elemental Focus


Gives you a 10% chance to enter a Clearcasting state after casting any Fire, Frost, or Nature damage spell. The Clearcasting state reduces the mana cost of your next damage spell by 100%.

Gives you a 10% chance to enter a Clearcasting state after casting any Fire, Frost, or Nature damage spell. The Clearcasting state reduces the mana cost of your next damage spell by 100%.




Reduces the cooldown of your Shock spells by 0.2 sec.

Reduces the cooldown of your Shock spells by 0.2 sec.

Next level:

Reduces the cooldown of your Shock spells by 0.4 sec.

Reduces the cooldown of your Shock spells by 0.4 sec.

Next level:

Reduces the cooldown of your Shock spells by 0.6 sec.

Reduces the cooldown of your Shock spells by 0.6 sec.

Next level:

Reduces the cooldown of your Shock spells by 0.8 sec.

Reduces the cooldown of your Shock spells by 0.8 sec.

Next level:

Reduces the cooldown of your Shock spells by 1 sec.

Reduces the cooldown of your Shock spells by 1 sec.

Call of Thunder

Call of Thunder


Increases the critical strike chance of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by an additional 1%.

Increases the critical strike chance of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by an additional 1%.

Next level:

Increases the critical strike chance of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by an additional 2%

Increases the critical strike chance of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by an additional 2%

Next level:

Increases the critical strike chance of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by an additional 3%.

Increases the critical strike chance of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by an additional 3%.

Next level:

Increases the critical strike chance of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by an additional 4%.

Increases the critical strike chance of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by an additional 4%.

Next level:

Increases the critical strike chance of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by an additional 6%.

Increases the critical strike chance of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by an additional 6%.

Improved Fire Totems

Improved Fire Totems


Reduces the delay before your Fire Nova Totem activates by 1 sec. and decreases the threat generated by your Magma Totem by 25%

Reduces the delay before your Fire Nova Totem activates by 1 sec. and decreases the threat generated by your Magma Totem by 25%

Next level:

Reduces the delay before your Fire Nova Totem activates by 2 sec. and decreases the threat generated by your Magma Totem by 50%

Reduces the delay before your Fire Nova Totem activates by 2 sec. and decreases the threat generated by your Magma Totem by 50%

Eye of the Storm

Eye of the Storm


Gives you a 33% chance to gain the Focused Casting effect that lasts for 6 sec after being the victim of a melee or ranged critical strike. The Focused Casting effect prevents you from losing casting time when taking damage.

Gives you a 33% chance to gain the Focused Casting effect that lasts for 6 sec after being the victim of a melee or ranged critical strike. The Focused Casting effect prevents you from losing casting time when taking damage.

Next level:

Gives you a 66% chance to gain the Focused Casting effect that lasts for 6 sec after being the victim of a melee or ranged critical strike. The Focused Casting effect prevents you from losing casting time when taking damage.

Gives you a 66% chance to gain the Focused Casting effect that lasts for 6 sec after being the victim of a melee or ranged critical strike. The Focused Casting effect prevents you from losing casting time when taking damage.

Next level:

Gives you a 100% chance to gain the Focused Casting effect that lasts for 6 sec after being the victim of a melee or ranged critical strike. The Focused Casting effect prevents you from losing casting time when taking damage.

Gives you a 100% chance to gain the Focused Casting effect that lasts for 6 sec after being the victim of a melee or ranged critical strike. The Focused Casting effect prevents you from losing casting time when taking damage.

Elemental Devastation

Elemental Devastation


Your offensive spell crits will increase your chance to get a critical strike with melee attacks by 3% for 10 sec.

Your offensive spell crits will increase your chance to get a critical strike with melee attacks by 3% for 10 sec.

Next level:

Your offensive spell crits will increase your chance to get a critical strike with melee attacks by 6% for 10 sec.

Your offensive spell crits will increase your chance to get a critical strike with melee attacks by 6% for 10 sec.

Next level:

Your offensive spell crits will increase your chance to get a critical strike with melee attacks by 9% for 10 sec.

Your offensive spell crits will increase your chance to get a critical strike with melee attacks by 9% for 10 sec.

Storm Reach

Storm Reach


Increases the range of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 3 yards.

Increases the range of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 3 yards.

Next level:

Increases the range of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 6 yards.

Increases the range of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 6 yards.

Elemental Fury

Elemental Fury


Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Searing, Magma, and Fire Nova Totems and your Fire, Frost, and Nature spells by 100%.

Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Searing, Magma, and Fire Nova Totems and your Fire, Frost, and Nature spells by 100%.

Lightning Mastery

Lightning Mastery


Reduces the cast time of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 0.2 sec.

Reduces the cast time of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 0.2 sec.

Next level:

Reduces the cast time of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 0.4 sec.

Reduces the cast time of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 0.4 sec.

Next level:

Reduces the cast time of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 0.6 sec.

Reduces the cast time of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 0.6 sec.

Next level:

Reduces the cast time of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 0.8 sec.

Reduces the cast time of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 0.8 sec.

Next level:

Reduces the cast time of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 1 sec.

Reduces the cast time of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells by 1 sec.

Elemental Mastery

Elemental Mastery


3 min cooldown

When activated, this spell gives your next Fire, Frost, or Nature damage spell a 100% critical strike chance and reduces the mana cost by 100%.

When activated, this spell gives your next Fire, Frost, or Nature damage spell a 100% critical strike chance and reduces the mana cost by 100%.

Ancestral Knowledge

Ancestral Knowledge


Increases your maximum Mana by 1%

Increases your maximum Mana by 1%

Next level:

Increases your maximum Mana by 2%

Increases your maximum Mana by 2%

Next level:

Increases your maximum Mana by 3%

Increases your maximum Mana by 3%

Next level:

Increases your maximum Mana by 4%

Increases your maximum Mana by 4%

Next level:

Increases your maximum Mana by 5%

Increases your maximum Mana by 5%

Shield Specialization

Shield Specialization


Increases your chance to block attacks with a shield by 1% and increases the amount blocked by 5%.

Increases your chance to block attacks with a shield by 1% and increases the amount blocked by 5%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to block attacks with a shield by 2% and increases the amount blocked by 10%.

Increases your chance to block attacks with a shield by 2% and increases the amount blocked by 10%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to block attacks with a shield by 3% and increases the amount blocked by 15%.

Increases your chance to block attacks with a shield by 3% and increases the amount blocked by 15%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to block attacks with a shield by 4% and increases the amount blocked by 20%.

Increases your chance to block attacks with a shield by 4% and increases the amount blocked by 20%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to block attacks with a shield by 5% and increases the amount blocked by 25%.

Increases your chance to block attacks with a shield by 5% and increases the amount blocked by 25%.

Guardian Totems

Guardian Totems


Increases the amount of damage reduced by your Stoneskin Totem and Windwall Totem by 10% and reduces the cooldown of your Grounding Totem by 1 sec.

Increases the amount of damage reduced by your Stoneskin Totem and Windwall Totem by 10% and reduces the cooldown of your Grounding Totem by 1 sec.

Next level:

Increases the amount of damage reduced by your Stoneskin Totem and Windwall Totem by 20% and reduces the cooldown of your Grounding Totem by 2 sec.

Increases the amount of damage reduced by your Stoneskin Totem and Windwall Totem by 20% and reduces the cooldown of your Grounding Totem by 2 sec.

Thundering Strikes

Thundering Strikes


Requires Melee Weapon

Improves your chance to get a critical strike with your weapon attacks by 1%.

Improves your chance to get a critical strike with your weapon attacks by 1%.

Next level:

Improves your chance to get a critical strike with your weapon attacks by 2%.

Improves your chance to get a critical strike with your weapon attacks by 2%.

Next level:

Improves your chance to get a critical strike with your weapon attacks by 3%.

Improves your chance to get a critical strike with your weapon attacks by 3%.

Next level:

Improves your chance to get a critical strike with your weapon attacks by 4%.

Improves your chance to get a critical strike with your weapon attacks by 4%.

Next level:

Improves your chance to get a critical strike with your weapon attacks by 5%.

Improves your chance to get a critical strike with your weapon attacks by 5%.

Improved Ghost Wolf

Improved Ghost Wolf


Reduces the cast time of your Ghost Wolf spell by 1 sec.

Reduces the cast time of your Ghost Wolf spell by 1 sec.

Next level:

Reduces the cast time of your Ghost Wolf spell by 2 sec.

Reduces the cast time of your Ghost Wolf spell by 2 sec.

Improved Lightning Shield

Improved Lightning Shield


Increases the damage done by your Lightning Shield orbs by 5%.

Increases the damage done by your Lightning Shield orbs by 5%.

Next level:

Increases the damage done by your Lightning Shield orbs by 10%.

Increases the damage done by your Lightning Shield orbs by 10%.

Next level:

Increases the damage done by your Lightning Shield orbs by 15%.

Increases the damage done by your Lightning Shield orbs by 15%.

Enhancing Totems

Enhancing Totems


Increases the effect of your Strength of Earth and Grace of Air Totems by 8%.

Increases the effect of your Strength of Earth and Grace of Air Totems by 8%.

Next level:

Increases the effect of your Strength of Earth and Grace of Air Totems by 15%.

Increases the effect of your Strength of Earth and Grace of Air Totems by 15%.

Two-Handed Axes and Maces

Two-Handed Axes and Maces


Allows you to use Two-Handed Axes and Two-Handed Maces.

Allows you to use Two-Handed Axes and Two-Handed Maces.




Increases your chance to dodge by an additional 1%.

Increases your chance to dodge by an additional 1%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to dodge by an additional 2%.

Increases your chance to dodge by an additional 2%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to dodge by an additional 3%.

Increases your chance to dodge by an additional 3%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to dodge by an additional 4%.

Increases your chance to dodge by an additional 4%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to dodge by an additional 5%.

Increases your chance to dodge by an additional 5%.




Increases your attack speed by 10% for your next 3 swings after dealing a critical strike.

Increases your attack speed by 10% for your next 3 swings after dealing a critical strike.

Next level:

Increases your attack speed by 15% for your next 3 swings after dealing a critical strike.

Increases your attack speed by 15% for your next 3 swings after dealing a critical strike.

Next level:

Increases your attack speed by 20% for your next 3 swings after dealing a critical strike.

Increases your attack speed by 20% for your next 3 swings after dealing a critical strike.

Next level:

Increases your attack speed by 25% for your next 3 swings after dealing a critical strike.

Increases your attack speed by 25% for your next 3 swings after dealing a critical strike.

Next level:

Increases your attack speed by 30% for your next 3 swings after dealing a critical strike.

Increases your attack speed by 30% for your next 3 swings after dealing a critical strike.




Increases your armor value from items by 2%.

Increases your armor value from items by 2%.

Next level:

Increases your armor value from items by 4%.

Increases your armor value from items by 4%.

Next level:

Increases your armor value from items by 6%.

Increases your armor value from items by 6%.

Next level:

Increases your armor value from items by 8%.

Increases your armor value from items by 8%.

Next level:

Increases your armor value from items by 10%.

Increases your armor value from items by 10%.

Improved Weapon Totems

Improved Weapon Totems


Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Windfury Totem by 15% and increases the damage caused by your Flametongue Totem by 6%.

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Windfury Totem by 15% and increases the damage caused by your Flametongue Totem by 6%.

Next level:

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Windfury Totem by 30% and increases the damage caused by your Flametongue Totem by 12%.

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Windfury Totem by 30% and increases the damage caused by your Flametongue Totem by 12%.

Elemental Weapons

Elemental Weapons


Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Rockbiter Weapon by 7%, your Windfury Weapon effect by 13% and increases the damage caused by your Flametongue Weapon and Frostbrand Weapon by 5%.

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Rockbiter Weapon by 7%, your Windfury Weapon effect by 13% and increases the damage caused by your Flametongue Weapon and Frostbrand Weapon by 5%.

Next level:

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Rockbiter Weapon by 14%, your Windfury Weapon effect by 27% and increases the damage caused by your Flametongue Weapon and Frostbrand Weapon by 10%.

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Rockbiter Weapon by 14%, your Windfury Weapon effect by 27% and increases the damage caused by your Flametongue Weapon and Frostbrand Weapon by 10%.

Next level:

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Rockbiter Weapon by 20%, your Windfury Weapon effect by 40% and increases the damage caused by your Flametongue Weapon and Frostbrand Weapon by 15%.

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Rockbiter Weapon by 20%, your Windfury Weapon effect by 40% and increases the damage caused by your Flametongue Weapon and Frostbrand Weapon by 15%.




Gives a chance to parry enemy melee attacks.

Gives a chance to parry enemy melee attacks.

Weapon Mastery

Weapon Mastery


Requires Melee Weapon

Increases the damage you deal with all weapons by 2%.

Increases the damage you deal with all weapons by 2%.

Next level:

Increases the damage you deal with all weapons by 4%.

Increases the damage you deal with all weapons by 4%.

Next level:

Increases the damage you deal with all weapons by 6%.

Increases the damage you deal with all weapons by 6%.

Next level:

Increases the damage you deal with all weapons by 8%.

Increases the damage you deal with all weapons by 8%.

Next level:

Increases the damage you deal with all weapons by 10%.

Increases the damage you deal with all weapons by 10%.




21% of base mana
Melee Range
20 sec cooldown

Gives you an extra attack. In addition, the next 2 sources of Nature damage dealt to the target are increased by 20%. Lasts 12 sec.

Gives you an extra attack. In addition, the next 2 sources of Nature damage dealt to the target are increased by 20%. Lasts 12 sec.

Improved Healing Wave

Improved Healing Wave


Reduces the casting time of your Healing Wave spell by 0.1 sec.

Reduces the casting time of your Healing Wave spell by 0.1 sec.

Next level:

Reduces the casting time of your Healing Wave spell by 0.2 sec.

Reduces the casting time of your Healing Wave spell by 0.2 sec.

Next level:

Reduces the casting time of your Healing Wave spell by 0.3 sec.

Reduces the casting time of your Healing Wave spell by 0.3 sec.

Next level:

Reduces the casting time of your Healing Wave spell by 0.4 sec.

Reduces the casting time of your Healing Wave spell by 0.4 sec.

Next level:

Reduces the casting time of your Healing Wave spell by 0.5 sec.

Reduces the casting time of your Healing Wave spell by 0.5 sec.

Tidal Focus

Tidal Focus


Reduces the Mana cost of your healing spells by 1%.

Reduces the Mana cost of your healing spells by 1%.

Next level:

Reduces the Mana cost of your healing spells by 2%.

Reduces the Mana cost of your healing spells by 2%.

Next level:

Reduces the Mana cost of your healing spells by 3%.

Reduces the Mana cost of your healing spells by 3%.

Next level:

Reduces the Mana cost of your healing spells by 4%.

Reduces the Mana cost of your healing spells by 4%.

Next level:

Reduces the Mana cost of your healing spells by 5%.

Reduces the Mana cost of your healing spells by 5%.

Improved Reincarnation

Improved Reincarnation


Reduces the cooldown of your Reincarnation spell by 10 min and increases the amount of health and mana you reincarnate with by an additional 10%.

Reduces the cooldown of your Reincarnation spell by 10 min and increases the amount of health and mana you reincarnate with by an additional 10%.

Next level:

Reduces the cooldown of your Reincarnation spell by 20 min and increases the amount of health and mana you reincarnate with by an additional 20%.

Reduces the cooldown of your Reincarnation spell by 20 min and increases the amount of health and mana you reincarnate with by an additional 20%.

Ancestral Healing

Ancestral Healing


Increases your target's armor value by 8% for 15 sec after getting a critical effect from one of your healing spells.

Increases your target's armor value by 8% for 15 sec after getting a critical effect from one of your healing spells.

Next level:

Increases your target's armor value by 16% for 15 sec after getting a critical effect from one of your healing spells.

Increases your target's armor value by 16% for 15 sec after getting a critical effect from one of your healing spells.

Next level:

Increases your target's armor value by 25% for 15 sec after getting a critical effect from one of your healing spells.

Increases your target's armor value by 25% for 15 sec after getting a critical effect from one of your healing spells.

Totemic Focus

Totemic Focus


Reduces the Mana cost of your totems by 5%.

Reduces the Mana cost of your totems by 5%.

Next level:

Reduces the Mana cost of your totems by 10%.

Reduces the Mana cost of your totems by 10%.

Next level:

Reduces the Mana cost of your totems by 15%.

Reduces the Mana cost of your totems by 15%.

Next level:

Reduces the Mana cost of your totems by 20%.

Reduces the Mana cost of your totems by 20%.

Next level:

Reduces the Mana cost of your totems by 25%.

Reduces the Mana cost of your totems by 25%.

Nature's Guidance

Nature's Guidance


Increases your chance to hit with melee attacks and spells by 1%.

Increases your chance to hit with melee attacks and spells by 1%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to hit with melee attacks and spells by 2%.

Increases your chance to hit with melee attacks and spells by 2%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to hit with melee attacks and spells by 3%.

Increases your chance to hit with melee attacks and spells by 3%.

Healing Focus

Healing Focus


Gives you a 14% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting any healing spell.

Gives you a 14% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting any healing spell.

Next level:

Gives you a 28% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting any healing spell.

Gives you a 28% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting any healing spell.

Next level:

Gives you a 42% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting any healing spell.

Gives you a 42% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting any healing spell.

Next level:

Gives you a 56% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting any healing spell.

Gives you a 56% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting any healing spell.

Next level:

Gives you a 70% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting any healing spell.

Gives you a 70% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting any healing spell.

Totemic Mastery

Totemic Mastery


The radius of your totems that affect friendly targets is increased to 30 yd.

The radius of your totems that affect friendly targets is increased to 30 yd.

Healing Grace

Healing Grace


Reduces the threat generated by your healing spells by 5%.

Reduces the threat generated by your healing spells by 5%.

Next level:

Reduces the threat generated by your healing spells by 10%.

Reduces the threat generated by your healing spells by 10%.

Next level:

Reduces the threat generated by your healing spells by 15%.

Reduces the threat generated by your healing spells by 15%.

Restorative Totems

Restorative Totems


Increases the effect of your Mana Spring and Healing Stream Totems by 5%.

Increases the effect of your Mana Spring and Healing Stream Totems by 5%.

Next level:

Increases the effect of your Mana Spring and Healing Stream Totems by 10%.

Increases the effect of your Mana Spring and Healing Stream Totems by 10%.

Next level:

Increases the effect of your Mana Spring and Healing Stream Totems by 15%.

Increases the effect of your Mana Spring and Healing Stream Totems by 15%.

Next level:

Increases the effect of your Mana Spring and Healing Stream Totems by 20%.

Increases the effect of your Mana Spring and Healing Stream Totems by 20%.

Next level:

Increases the effect of your Mana Spring and Healing Stream Totems by 25%.

Increases the effect of your Mana Spring and Healing Stream Totems by 25%.

Tidal Mastery

Tidal Mastery


Increases the critical effect chance of your healing and lightning spells by 1%.

Increases the critical effect chance of your healing and lightning spells by 1%.

Next level:

Increases the critical effect chance of your healing and lightning spells by 2%.

Increases the critical effect chance of your healing and lightning spells by 2%.

Next level:

Increases the critical effect chance of your healing and lightning spells by 3%.

Increases the critical effect chance of your healing and lightning spells by 3%.

Next level:

Increases the critical effect chance of your healing and lightning spells by 4%.

Increases the critical effect chance of your healing and lightning spells by 4%.

Next level:

Increases the critical effect chance of your healing and lightning spells by 5%.

Increases the critical effect chance of your healing and lightning spells by 5%.

Flots de soins

Flots de soins


Your Healing Wave spells have a 66% chance to increase the effect of subsequent Healing Wave spells on that target by 6% for 15 sec. This effect will stack up to 3 times.

Your Healing Wave spells have a 66% chance to increase the effect of subsequent Healing Wave spells on that target by 6% for 15 sec. This effect will stack up to 3 times.

Next level:

Your Healing Wave spells have a 66% chance to increase the effect of subsequent Healing Wave spells on that target by 6% for 15 sec. This effect will stack up to 3 times.

Your Healing Wave spells have a 66% chance to increase the effect of subsequent Healing Wave spells on that target by 6% for 15 sec. This effect will stack up to 3 times.

Next level:

Your Healing Wave spells have a 100% chance to increase the effect of subsequent Healing Wave spells on that target by 6% for 15 sec. This effect will stack up to 3 times.

Your Healing Wave spells have a 100% chance to increase the effect of subsequent Healing Wave spells on that target by 6% for 15 sec. This effect will stack up to 3 times.

Nature's Swiftness

Nature's Swiftness


3 min cooldown

When activated, your next Nature spell with a casting time less than 10 sec. becomes an instant cast spell.

When activated, your next Nature spell with a casting time less than 10 sec. becomes an instant cast spell.




Increases the effectiveness of your healing spells by 2%.

Increases the effectiveness of your healing spells by 2%.

Next level:

Increases the effectiveness of your healing spells by 4%.

Increases the effectiveness of your healing spells by 4%.

Next level:

Increases the effectiveness of your healing spells by 6%.

Increases the effectiveness of your healing spells by 6%.

Next level:

Increases the effectiveness of your healing spells by 8%.

Increases the effectiveness of your healing spells by 8%.

Next level:

Increases the effectiveness of your healing spells by 10%.

Increases the effectiveness of your healing spells by 10%.

Mana Tide Totem

Mana Tide Totem


20 Mana
5 min cooldown

Summons a Mana Tide Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 12 sec that restores 170 mana every 3 seconds to group members within 20 yards.

Summons a Mana Tide Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 12 sec that restores 170 mana every 3 seconds to group members within 20 yards.

0 / 0 / 0
Level required: -

Enhancement Shamans have some freedom in picking their talents. You can go for more defensive talents or instead go all out for damage.

4. Enhancement Shaman PvE Rotation

There are two things you need to know as an Enhancement Shaman in order to play properly:

  • Understand your DPS rotation.
  • Understand your totem rotation.

Shamans’ main quirk is their totems, those are the reason they’re welcome to raids. Adaptability is key and you need to use the right totems at the right time.


  1. Courroux naturel
  2. Horion de flammes / Horion de terre / Horion de givre
  3. Totem de Magma
  4. Chaîne d'éclairs

Keep an eye on your mana!

Totems :

You need to constantly buff your raid with totems.

Melee DPS need Totem Furie-des-vents and Totem de Force de la Terre to be up. Casters want Totem de Tranquillité de l'air and Totem Fontaine de mana, cloth classes particularly appreciate that last totem.

The Maîtrise totémique talent is very convenient. The raid moving doesn’t hinder you as much.

That being said, these are not always the totems you want to use. If the tank is in trouble, especially if you have a lot of melee classes in your group, Totem de Peau de pierre is a powerful tool.

Another example: Totem de Séisme gets read of pesky fear effects. 

Some raids have diseases or poisons, in which case Totem de Purification des maladies et Totem de Purification du poison become very valuable.

A few bosses Vaelastrasz le Corrompu or Saphiron have mechanics dealing massive elemental damage, making Totem de résistance au Feu or Totem de résistance au Givre extremely important.

During intense fights, as an experienced shaman, you can try to maintain several buffs given by the same totem type. For example, you can drop a Totem Furie-des-vents which will buff your raid’s weapons for 10 seconds, and immediately replace it with Totem de Grâce aérienne. That way, your players will also benefit from the agility bonus from that second totem. You can keep switching back & forth to maintain additional buffs on the raid. This is known as “totem twisting”.

This useful trick will make you very valuable in your raid!
Enhancement shaman pve guide wow classic

5. Stat priority for Enhancement Shaman in PvE

Here is the stat priority for Enhancement Shamans in PvE.

Stat Priority

  1. Hit Chance (9%)
  2. Strength / Attack Power
  3. Agility / Critical Strike Chance
  4. Intelligence
chaman amélio pve wow classic

Like every other melee DPS, Enhancement Shamans need to reach their hit cap (9%) so they can reliably hit their enemies. Once that is done, you want as much strength and attack power as possible. Those two stats are essentially the same, 1 strength giving 2 AP. This means that point for point, strength is twice as valuable as AP.

Agility comes next, giving you 1% critical strike chance for every 20 points. Having some on your gear is a good idea.

Intelligence might not seem great, but more mana = more spells, and your totems cost a lot of mana, so this is not a useless stat.

Note: Try to get a blackmith to craft you Crépuscule (pattern is in BRD from Lokhtos Darkbargainer). The proc from that weapon will significantly increase your raid’s total DPS.

You can find here lists of the best possible equipment your Elemental Shaman can use in PvE thanks to our « Best-in-slot » tool below : Here is the BIS gear for Enhancement Shaman
bis chaman amélio wow classic

6. PvE Macros for Enhancement Shamans

1. Stormstrike spam

#showtooltip /castsequence reset=5 Stormstrike

/startattack [harm]

Useful macro if you get distracted. A 5 seconds timer has been added to prevent cooldown issues.

2. Cure Disease or Purge?

#showtooltip Cure Disease
/cast [@mouseover,help] Cure Disease ; [@mouseover,harm][harm,nodead] Purge ; [help,nodead] Cure Disease

This macro allows you to either remove a debuff from a friendly target or remove a buff from an enemy with the same key.

This isn’t 100% reliable however (for example if the target has a paladin Bouclier divin on them, the macro might derp), but it’s usually worth using.

3. Earth Shock

#showtooltip Earth Shock
/cast [@focus,harm][@focustarget,harm][@targettarget,harm][@target,harm] Earth Shock

This macro allows you to cast spells at enemies without having to look for a target, giving you an edge to do competitive dps.

In the example above, we use Horion de terre, interrupting an enemy’s cast, but this macro can be used with others spells. This allows you to cast a spell even if you’re targeting an ally, as long as this ally is targeting an enemy. It also works if you’re just targeting an enemy normally.

7. Consumables for high level PvE

Consumables are extremely important in Classic WoW, especially in the beginning or when a new raid is released. Alchemy and Cooking bring a lot of value to a raid; we recommend you follow our guides to level these professions.

You will find below a non-exhaustive list of some necessary consumables for raiding.




Magical Protection :

There are many more consumables that can be useful for specific encounters or hard bosses.

chaman amélio pve wow classic


Thanks to all our contributors as well as the following sources for helping to create this guide: B3nZh, Lolonzo, site contributor, Cdew, Wowhead, Elysium Forum, classicwow.live, vanilla-wow.fandom.

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