Best rogue guide for Classic WoW

Check out the best rogue guides for Vanilla / Classic WoW. Read our rogue guides for leveling 1-60, PVE or PVP guides and you will find a lot of tips to get the best rogue possible in Classic WoW.

Rogue PvP Guide
25 nov 2019
 220,347  102  2

Rogue PvP Guide - Specs, Duel, BG, Gear

The ultimate PvP guide for Rogue. Find out the best specs, optimal rotations, macros and gear you need to become the best Rogue in Classic WoW

Rogue PvE Guide - Specs, Duel, BG, Gear
11 sep 2019
 219,962  109  0

Rogue PvE Guide - Specs, Rotations, Macros, BiS Gear

The ultimate PvE guide for Rogue. Find out the best specs, BiS Gear, optimal rotations, macros and gear you need to become the best Rogue in Classic WoW

Rogue T0 set
16 aug 2019
 66,611  62  0

Rogue T0 set Guide

Here is the guide to get the Shadowcraft set T0 of the Rogue at Classic WoW / Vanilla. Check out the list of all pieces, set bonuses and bosses to kill to get your rogue T0 set.

Rogue guide leveling 1-60
06 mar 2019
 770,565  147  15

Rogue guide leveling (1-60) - Tips, Spec, Rotation...

Check out our rogue leveling guide 1-60 on Vanilla / Classic WoW to help you leveling faster. You'll find the best spec, best gear, addons, to be the first rogue lvl 60!

Rogue Guide in progress

Here is the list of the next guides we are working on and which will soon be online. If you have any ideas or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact us by email.

Rogue PvP Guide - Soon

We are currently working on the Rogue PvP guide for Classic WoW, it will be available soon! Sign up on newsletter to be notified of the release.

Rogue PvE Guide - Soon

We are currently working on the Rogue PvE guide for Classic WoW, it will be available soon! Sign up on newsletter to be notified of the release.

Why choosing the Rogue in Classic WoW?

Rogue will be THE best class for all WORLD PVP lovers. Being stealth and starting the fight first is the main strength of the rogue in WoW Classic.

Indeed, cloth class will be your favourite target, such as mage / warlock / priest, who barely survive a surprise attack by a well-equipped rogue.

About PVE, it is a T1 DPS class, but sadly rogue are overpopulated class in Classic WoW so it can be tricky to get a spot in the raids /group.

Finally, although rogue is a very powerful class of Classic WoW, he is also very dependent on his gear, and especially these weapons to be effective.