Here is the guide to get T0 set for Priest in Classic WoW
You have to start somewhere, and these sets are by far the most interesting before going shopping at AQ20, ZG, MC or BWL ... Getting your T0 set before level 60 is a good start to enjoy raiding.
if you want to find the best gear, check out our pre-raid BiS guide : Here
However, nothing prevents a shadow priest to get the set of the mage , or a shaman to get the set of the hunter, if he finds this one more appropriate according to the way he plays.
Quick preview of the complete set!
Ps: For all classes, the main parts of each set are on the same boss, namely:
Here is the list of all the pieces of the set T0 of priest heal with the corresponding bosses:
As you will have understood, as a heal priest, blizzard will provide you with enough intelligence and spirit to be ready for the next level of dungeons and raids. Let's see what awaits you with a total of the bonuses of the set as well as additional bonuses accumulating based on the number of pieces you have equipped on you.
Bonus Set :
As stated in our introduction, some classes may have 2 different sets depending on their particulars. For the shadow priest we recommend the set
Here is the list of all the pieces of the shadow priest's T0 set with the corresponding bosses:
The set intended for Mages is also perfectly adapted to shadow priests. Indeed, this one offers enough intellect and spirit to bring to shadow priest a significant boost of damage.
However, on the other hand,the warlock set for example will have less intelligence but will be compensated with more of stamina. Stats wre set up this way for the Life Tap spell.
Let's get together what's waiting for you with a total of the set's bonuses as well as the additional bonuses accumulating according to the number of pieces you have equipped on you.
Bonus Set :
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