Paladin guide leveling 1-60 for Classic WoW

Check out our paladin leveling guide 1-60 on WowIsClassic to help you leveling faster. You'll find the best spec, best gear, addons, to be the first warrior lvl 60!

1. Paladin class overview

Mise à jour le 20/08/2019
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Paladins are a plate wearing wielders of the light that offer a tremendous amount of group utility. As the Alliance’s hybrid class they are capable of Tanking, Healing, or Dealing Damage. With regard to leveling speed, Paladins are generally considered Tier 3, however, if you AOE grind with Sanctuary, Redoubt, and Reckoning you have the capacity to level faster than the vast majority of the playerbase.

Paladins have a pretty slow start from 1-31 in the Retribution Tree, however, at 32 they can respec Protection to a Reckoning Build which allows them to fight multiple mobs at once with little to no downtime.

paladin leveling 1-60

Paladins are one of the only classes to actually benefit from fighting multiple mobs at once, as doing so allows them to build reckoning stacks faster - but more on that later!

Paladins have high sustain through casted heals that when talented have over 100% resistance to push back. Paladins are also unique in that they can pick which resource they want to generate in combat whether that be health through Seal of Light or Mana through Wisdom.

Paladins are also capable AoE damage dealers with high reflect damage and mitigation through one of the best talents in the game Redoubt.

Paladin strenghts

  • Can Perform All 3 Group Roles
  • Can Solo Elites & Group Content
  • High Group Utility
  • High Sustain
  • Self Reliant
  • Capable of AoE Grinding
  • Free Mount at lvl 40

Paladin weaknesses

  • Tier 3 Leveling Speed
  • Slow Levels 1-31
  • Low Mobility
  • No On Demand Slow
  • Limited CC Potential
  • Gear Dependant
  • Can’t use Staves
  • Vulnerable in World PvP

2. Best race for paladin in WoW Classic

Here is our selection of the best paladin race in wow classic for PVE or PVP.

Alliance PvE : Human

Passif racial  / Spécialisation Masse : Must have to increase your hit chance and reduce dodge / block ...
Detection fufu : Very good vs rogues to initiate the fight.

Alliance PVP : Dwarf

Stoneform : Removes all poison, disease, curse, magic, and bleed effects and reduces all physical damage taken by 10% for 8 sec.

3. General Tips for leveling a paladin

Here are some tips to progress quickly during your leveling as Paladin in classic wow.

  • Ideally you should kill mobs of the same level, as they grant 100% of their base XP reward values. If a mob is 1 level higher you will gain only a portion of its base XP reward value. This effect also works in reverse and even more dramatically. If you are killing a mob that is even 1 level below, you will gain 10-20% less xp.
  • Front Load Spells / Abilities to get natural mana regeneration per the 5 second rule ticking again ASAP, then finish mobs with white damage.
  • Push the limits of your combat efficiency. If you are at full Health or Mana you are likely misplaying. Chain pull more aggressively, take more calculated risks, expend more resources per kill, do whatever it takes to keep things regenerating and on cooldown.
  • Be adaptive with your damage rotation cycle - this is true for all classes. Think on your feet as your rotation will vary at different stages of the game based on a number of variables such as what ranks of spells / abilities do you have, mob lvl, mob abilities, armor / resistance, total hit points etc...
paladin leveling
  • The most important aspect of a Paladin Weapon is his Damage range more so than the weapon’s DPS value due to the nature of Seal of Righteousness, Seal of Command Procs and Reckoning Stacks.
  • You can heal easily in any spec 40+ with Blessing of Light and down ranked Holy Light.
  • Judgement is not on the Global Cooldown.
  • Save Gold by not buying higher ranks of Hammer of Justice, or base ranks of Exorcism, Turn Undead, Blessing of Sacrifice, Holy Wrath, Seal of Justice, Auras.
  • You may not need all 4 stacks of Reckoning to kill a mob. You may only need 2-3 so test it out and alter your rotation accordingly.
  • Seal of Command only procs off of the first auto attack of a Reckoning Bomb. This is the main reason to use SoR > SoC when grinding with Reckoning.
  • Your Paladin mount is a spell and will trigger a pause in natural mana regen. It also is not castable while your GCD is finishing.

4. Paladin addons

Swing Timer <- Click for Link to Addon

Every melee class should have a timer that tracks both your attacks and your enemies’ attacks.

This is important because you will need to weave both movement and abilities between cooldowns in your autos to prevent clipping into animations and missing damage.

Swing Timer <- Click for Link to Addon

Every melee class should have a timer that tracks both your attacks and your enemies’ attacks.

This is important because you will need to weave both movement and abilities between cooldowns in your autos to prevent clipping into animations and missing damage.


XP / Hr  Tracker <- Click for Link to Addon 

Track your leveling efficiency with precision. Use a tool that can share insights such as EPH and EPM and Average XP per kill.


Outfitter <- Click for Link to Addon Addon allows you to swap gear back and forth easily.

This is useful for swapping back and forth a spirit set.


ReckCounter <- Click for Link to Addon

An Addon that helps you track your Reckoning Stacks.


5. Paladin macros

Start Attack MacrosWhy are Start Attack Macros Important?

Start Attack Macros are important so you don’t have to manually right click mobs to attack them. You bake them into your abilities as a macro so even if you don’t have enough mana to use an ability, you will still attack the target.

Take a look the follow macros that most of legendary paladin are using usually.

Seal of Righteousness + target + Auto-attack

/cast Seal of Justice
seal of justice

Seal of Wisdom + target + Auto-attack

/cast Seal of Wisdom

seal of wisdom

Seal of Crusader + target + Auto-attack

/cast Seal of the Crusader

seal of crusader

It will target for you, if you dont have target, will start auto attack and will cast Seal of Righteousness / Wisdom / Crusader, only if you don't have Seal of Righteousness / Wisdom / Crusader up already! You can spam this and will not toggle off your auto attack and will not cast Seal more than once (and waste you mana).

Seal of Wisdom + Holy Shield + Consecration (Lazy AoE)

/castsequence Seal of Wisdom, Holy Shield, Consecration


Next, there is a macro for AoE grind/farm. It will use Seal of Wisdom, Holy Shield and Consecration.. You can spam this, as it first checks if you have the Seal and holy shield up before it casts it.

Clear all debuffs (Cast Divine Shield and immediately remove it)

/cast Divine Shield
/unbuff Divine Shield

divine shield wow

Will cast Divine Shield on first push and will cancel it on second. Simple spam this, to clear debuffs fast.

6. Best spec for levelling a paladin

Here is the best spec for leveling as a paladin : Ret-reckoning Build

Lvl 10 - 32 : Start in Retribution Tree:

Divine Strength

Divine Strength


Increases your Strength by 2%.

Increases your Strength by 2%.

Next level:

Increases your Strength by 4%.

Increases your Strength by 4%.

Next level:

Increases your Strength by 6%.

Increases your Strength by 6%.

Next level:

Increases your Strength by 8%.

Increases your Strength by 8%.

Next level:

Increases your Strength by 10%.

Increases your Strength by 10%.

Divine Intellect

Divine Intellect


Increases your total Intellect by 2%.

Increases your total Intellect by 2%.

Next level:

Increases your total Intellect by 4%.

Increases your total Intellect by 4%.

Next level:

Increases your total Intellect by 6%.

Increases your total Intellect by 6%.

Next level:

Increases your total Intellect by 8%.

Increases your total Intellect by 8%.

Next level:

Increases your total Intellect by 10%.

Increases your total Intellect by 10%.

Spiritual Focus

Spiritual Focus


Gives your Flash of Light and Holy Light spells a 14% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.

Gives your Flash of Light and Holy Light spells a 14% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.

Next level:

Gives your Flash of Light and Holy Light spells a 28% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.

Gives your Flash of Light and Holy Light spells a 28% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.

Next level:

Gives your Flash of Light and Holy Light spells a 42% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.

Gives your Flash of Light and Holy Light spells a 42% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.

Next level:

Gives your Flash of Light and Holy Light spells a 56% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.

Gives your Flash of Light and Holy Light spells a 56% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.

Next level:

Gives your Flash of Light and Holy Light spells a 70% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.

Gives your Flash of Light and Holy Light spells a 70% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.

Improved Seal of Righteousness

Improved Seal of Righteousness


Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness and Judgement of Righteousness by 3%.

Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness and Judgement of Righteousness by 3%.

Next level:

Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness and Judgement of Righteousness by 6%.

Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness and Judgement of Righteousness by 6%.

Next level:

Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness and Judgement of Righteousness by 9%.

Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness and Judgement of Righteousness by 9%.

Next level:

Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness and Judgement of Righteousness by 12%.

Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness and Judgement of Righteousness by 12%.

Next level:

Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness and Judgement of Righteousness by 15%.

Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness and Judgement of Righteousness by 15%.

Healing Light

Healing Light


Increases the amount healed by your Holy Light and Flash of Light spells by 4%.

Increases the amount healed by your Holy Light and Flash of Light spells by 4%.

Next level:

Increases the amount healed by your Holy Light and Flash of Light spells by 8%.

Increases the amount healed by your Holy Light and Flash of Light spells by 8%.

Next level:

Increases the amount healed by your Holy Light and Flash of Light spells by 12%.

Increases the amount healed by your Holy Light and Flash of Light spells by 12%.




135 Mana
8 sec cooldown

Consecrates the land beneath Paladin, doing 64 Holy damage over 8 sec to enemies who enter the area.

Consecrates the land beneath Paladin, doing 64 Holy damage over 8 sec to enemies who enter the area.

Improved Lay on Hands

Improved Lay on Hands


Gives the target of your Lay on Hands spell a 15% bonus to their armor value from items for 120 sec. In addition, the cooldown for your Lay on Hands spell is reduced by 10 min.

Gives the target of your Lay on Hands spell a 15% bonus to their armor value from items for 120 sec. In addition, the cooldown for your Lay on Hands spell is reduced by 10 min.

Next level:

Gives the target of your Lay on Hands spell a 30% bonus to their armor value from items for 120 sec. In addition, the cooldown for your Lay on Hands spell is reduced by 20 min.

Gives the target of your Lay on Hands spell a 30% bonus to their armor value from items for 120 sec. In addition, the cooldown for your Lay on Hands spell is reduced by 20 min.

Unyielding Faith

Unyielding Faith


Increases your chance to resist Fear and Disorient effects by an additional 5%.

Increases your chance to resist Fear and Disorient effects by an additional 5%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to resist Fear and Disorient effects by an additional 10%.

Increases your chance to resist Fear and Disorient effects by an additional 10%.




After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock heal spell, gives you a 20% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell.

After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock heal spell, gives you a 20% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell.

Next level:

After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock heal spell, gives you a 40% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell.

After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock heal spell, gives you a 40% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell.

Next level:

After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock heal spell, gives you a 60% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell.

After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock heal spell, gives you a 60% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell.

Next level:

After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock heal spell, gives you a 80% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell.

After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock heal spell, gives you a 80% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell.

Next level:

After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock heal spell, gives you a 100% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell.

After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock heal spell, gives you a 100% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell.

Improved Blessing of Wisdom

Improved Blessing of Wisdom


Increases the effect of your Blessing of Wisdom spell by 10%.

Increases the effect of your Blessing of Wisdom spell by 10%.

Next level:

Increases the effect of your Blessing of Wisdom spell by 20%.

Increases the effect of your Blessing of Wisdom spell by 20%.

Divine Favor

Divine Favor


4% of base Mana
2 min cooldown

When activated, gives your next Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock spell a 100% critical effect chance.

When activated, gives your next Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock spell a 100% critical effect chance.

Lasting Judgement

Lasting Judgement


Increases the duration of your Judgement of Light and Judgement of Wisdom by 10 sec.

Increases the duration of your Judgement of Light and Judgement of Wisdom by 10 sec.

Next level:

Increases the duration of your Judgement of Light and Judgement of Wisdom by 20 sec.

Increases the duration of your Judgement of Light and Judgement of Wisdom by 20 sec.

Next level:

Increases the duration of your Judgement of Light and Judgement of Wisdom by 30 sec.

Increases the duration of your Judgement of Light and Judgement of Wisdom by 30 sec.

Holy Power

Holy Power


Increases the critical effect chance of your Holy spells by 1%.

Increases the critical effect chance of your Holy spells by 1%.

Next level:

Increases the critical effect chance of your Holy spells by 2%.

Increases the critical effect chance of your Holy spells by 2%.

Next level:

Increases the critical effect chance of your Holy spells by 3%.

Increases the critical effect chance of your Holy spells by 3%.

Next level:

Increases the critical effect chance of your Holy spells by 4%.

Increases the critical effect chance of your Holy spells by 4%.

Next level:

Increases the critical effect chance of your Holy spells by 5%.

Increases the critical effect chance of your Holy spells by 5%.

Holy Shock

Holy Shock


225 Mana
20 yd range
30 sec cooldown

Blasts the target with Holy energy, causing 204 to 221 Holy damage to an enemy, or 204 to 221 healing to an ally.

Blasts the target with Holy energy, causing 204 to 221 Holy damage to an enemy, or 204 to 221 healing to an ally.

Improved Devotion Aura

Improved Devotion Aura


Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 5%.

Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 5%.

Next level:

Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 10%.

Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 10%.

Next level:

Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 15%.

Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 15%.

Next level:

Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 20%.

Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 20%.

Next level:

Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 25%.

Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 25%.




Increases your chance to block attacks with your shield by 6% after being the victim of a critical strike. Lasts 10 sec or 5 blocks.

Increases your chance to block attacks with your shield by 6% after being the victim of a critical strike. Lasts 10 sec or 5 blocks.

Next level:

Increases your chance to block attacks with your shield by 12% after being the victim of a critical strike. Lasts 10 sec or 5 blocks.

Increases your chance to block attacks with your shield by 12% after being the victim of a critical strike. Lasts 10 sec or 5 blocks.

Next level:

Increases your chance to block attacks with your shield by 18% after being the victim of a critical strike. Lasts 10 sec or 5 blocks.

Increases your chance to block attacks with your shield by 18% after being the victim of a critical strike. Lasts 10 sec or 5 blocks.

Next level:

Increases your chance to block attacks with your shield by 24% after being the victim of a critical strike. Lasts 10 sec or 5 blocks.

Increases your chance to block attacks with your shield by 24% after being the victim of a critical strike. Lasts 10 sec or 5 blocks.

Next level:

Increases your chance to block attacks with your shield by 30% after being the victim of a critical strike. Lasts 10 sec or 5 blocks.

Increases your chance to block attacks with your shield by 30% after being the victim of a critical strike. Lasts 10 sec or 5 blocks.




Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 1%.

Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 1%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 2%.

Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 2%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 3%.

Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 3%.

Guardian's Favor

Guardian's Favor


Reduces the cooldown of your Blessing of Protection by 60 sec and increases the duration of your Blessing of Freedom by 3 sec.

Reduces the cooldown of your Blessing of Protection by 60 sec and increases the duration of your Blessing of Freedom by 3 sec.

Next level:

Reduces the cooldown of your Blessing of Protection by 120 sec and increases the duration of your Blessing of Freedom by 6 sec.

Reduces the cooldown of your Blessing of Protection by 120 sec and increases the duration of your Blessing of Freedom by 6 sec.




Increases your armor value from items by 2%.

Increases your armor value from items by 2%.

Next level:

Increases your armor value from items by 4%.

Increases your armor value from items by 4%.

Next level:

Increases your armor value from items by 6%.

Increases your armor value from items by 6%.

Next level:

Increases your armor value from items by 8%.

Increases your armor value from items by 8%.

Next level:

Increases your armor value from items by 10%.

Increases your armor value from items by 10%.

Blessing of Kings

Blessing of Kings


8% of base mana
30 yd range

Places a Blessing on the friendly target, increasing total stats by 10% for 300 sec. Players may only have one Blessing on them per Paladin at any one time.

Places a Blessing on the friendly target, increasing total stats by 10% for 300 sec. Players may only have one Blessing on them per Paladin at any one time.

Improved Righteous Fury

Improved Righteous Fury


Increases the amount of threat generated by your Righteous Fury spell by 16%.

Increases the amount of threat generated by your Righteous Fury spell by 16%.

Next level:

Increases the amount of threat generated by your Righteous Fury spell by 33%.

Increases the amount of threat generated by your Righteous Fury spell by 33%.

Next level:

Increases the amount of threat generated by your Righteous Fury spell by 50%.

Increases the amount of threat generated by your Righteous Fury spell by 50%.

Shield Specialization

Shield Specialization


Increases the amount of damage absorbed by your shield by 10%.

Increases the amount of damage absorbed by your shield by 10%.

Next level:

Increases the amount of damage absorbed by your shield by 20%.

Increases the amount of damage absorbed by your shield by 20%.

Next level:

Increases the amount of damage absorbed by your shield by 30%.

Increases the amount of damage absorbed by your shield by 30%.




Increases your Defense skill by 2.

Increases your Defense skill by 2.

Next level:

Increases your Defense skill by 4.

Increases your Defense skill by 4.

Next level:

Increases your Defense skill by 6.

Increases your Defense skill by 6.

Next level:

Increases your Defense skill by 8.

Increases your Defense skill by 8.

Next level:

Increases your Defense skill by 10.

Increases your Defense skill by 10.

Improved Hammer of Justice

Improved Hammer of Justice


Decreases the cooldown of your Hammer of Justice spell by 5 sec.

Decreases the cooldown of your Hammer of Justice spell by 5 sec.

Next level:

Decreases the cooldown of your Hammer of Justice spell by 10 sec.

Decreases the cooldown of your Hammer of Justice spell by 10 sec.

Next level:

Decreases the cooldown of your Hammer of Justice spell by 15 sec.

Decreases the cooldown of your Hammer of Justice spell by 15 sec.

Improved Concentration Aura

Improved Concentration Aura


Increases the effect of your Concentration Aura by an additional 5% and gives all group members affected by the aura an additional 5% chance to resist Silence and Interrupt effects.

Increases the effect of your Concentration Aura by an additional 5% and gives all group members affected by the aura an additional 5% chance to resist Silence and Interrupt effects.

Next level:

Increases the effect of your Concentration Aura by an additional 10% and gives all group members affected by the aura an additional 10% chance to resist Silence and Interrupt effects.

Increases the effect of your Concentration Aura by an additional 10% and gives all group members affected by the aura an additional 10% chance to resist Silence and Interrupt effects.

Next level:

Increases the effect of your Concentration Aura by an additional 15% and gives all group members affected by the aura an additional 15% chance to resist Silence and Interrupt effects.

Increases the effect of your Concentration Aura by an additional 15% and gives all group members affected by the aura an additional 15% chance to resist Silence and Interrupt effects.

Blessing of Sanctuary

Blessing of Sanctuary


60 Mana
30 yd range

Places a Blessing on the friendly target, reducing damage dealt from all sources by up to 10 for 300 sec. In addition, when the target blocks a melee attack the attacker will take 14 Holy damage. Players may only have one Blessing on them per Paladin at any one time.

Places a Blessing on the friendly target, reducing damage dealt from all sources by up to 10 for 300 sec. In addition, when the target blocks a melee attack the attacker will take 14 Holy damage. Players may only have one Blessing on them per Paladin at any one time.




Gives you a 20% chance to gain an extra attack after being the victim of a critical strike.

Gives you a 20% chance to gain an extra attack after being the victim of a critical strike.

Next level:

Gives you a 40% chance to gain an extra attack after being the victim of a critical strike.

Gives you a 40% chance to gain an extra attack after being the victim of a critical strike.

Next level:

Gives you a 60% chance to gain an extra attack after being the victim of a critical strike.

Gives you a 60% chance to gain an extra attack after being the victim of a critical strike.

Next level:

Gives you a 80% chance to gain an extra attack after being the victim of a critical strike.

Gives you a 80% chance to gain an extra attack after being the victim of a critical strike.

Next level:

Gives you a 100% chance to gain an extra attack after being the victim of a critical strike.

Gives you a 100% chance to gain an extra attack after being the victim of a critical strike.

One-Handed Weapon Specialization

One-Handed Weapon Specialization


Increases the damage you deal with one-handed melee weapons by 2%.

Increases the damage you deal with one-handed melee weapons by 2%.

Next level:

Increases the damage you deal with one-handed melee weapons by 4%.

Increases the damage you deal with one-handed melee weapons by 4%.

Next level:

Increases the damage you deal with one-handed melee weapons by 6%.

Increases the damage you deal with one-handed melee weapons by 6%.

Next level:

Increases the damage you deal with one-handed melee weapons by 8%.

Increases the damage you deal with one-handed melee weapons by 8%.

Next level:

Increases the damage you deal with one-handed melee weapons by 10%.

Increases the damage you deal with one-handed melee weapons by 10%.

Holy Shield

Holy Shield


150 Mana
10 sec cooldown

Increases chance to block by 30% for 10 sec, and deals 65 Holy damage for each attack blocked while active. Damage caused by Holy Shield causes 20% additional threat. Each block expends a charge. 4 charges.

Increases chance to block by 30% for 10 sec, and deals 65 Holy damage for each attack blocked while active. Damage caused by Holy Shield causes 20% additional threat. Each block expends a charge. 4 charges.

Improved Blessing of Might

Improved Blessing of Might


Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 4%.

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 4%.

Next level:

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 8%.

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 8%.

Next level:

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 12%.

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 12%.

Next level:

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 16%.

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 16%.

Next level:

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 20%.

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 20%.




Reduces the Mana cost of your Judgement and Seal spells by 3%.

Reduces the Mana cost of your Judgement and Seal spells by 3%.

Next level:

Reduces the Mana cost of your Judgement and Seal spells by 6%.

Reduces the Mana cost of your Judgement and Seal spells by 6%.

Next level:

Reduces the Mana cost of your Judgement and Seal spells by 9%.

Reduces the Mana cost of your Judgement and Seal spells by 9%.

Next level:

Reduces the Mana cost of your Judgement and Seal spells by 12%.

Reduces the Mana cost of your Judgement and Seal spells by 12%.

Next level:

Reduces the Mana cost of your Judgement and Seal spells by 15%.

Reduces the Mana cost of your Judgement and Seal spells by 15%.

Improved Judgement

Improved Judgement


Decreases the cooldown of your Judgement spell by 1 sec.

Decreases the cooldown of your Judgement spell by 1 sec.

Next level:

Decreases the cooldown of your Judgement spell by 2 sec.

Decreases the cooldown of your Judgement spell by 2 sec.

Improved Seal of the Crusader

Improved Seal of the Crusader


Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Seal of the Crusader and the Holy damage increase of your Judgement of the Crusader by 5%.

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Seal of the Crusader and the Holy damage increase of your Judgement of the Crusader by 5%.

Next level:

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Seal of the Crusader and the Holy damage increase of your Judgement of the Crusader by 10%.

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Seal of the Crusader and the Holy damage increase of your Judgement of the Crusader by 10%.

Next level:

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Seal of the Crusader and the Holy damage increase of your Judgement of the Crusader by 15%.

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Seal of the Crusader and the Holy damage increase of your Judgement of the Crusader by 15%.




Increases your Parry chance by 1%.

Increases your Parry chance by 1%.

Next level:

Increases your Parry chance by 2%.

Increases your Parry chance by 2%.

Next level:

Increases your Parry chance by 3%.

Increases your Parry chance by 3%.

Next level:

Increases your Parry chance by 4%.

Increases your Parry chance by 4%.

Next level:

Increases your Parry chance by 5%.

Increases your Parry chance by 5%.




Gives the Paladin's damaging melee attacks a chance to reduce the target's Strength and Agility by 5% for 10 sec.

Gives the Paladin's damaging melee attacks a chance to reduce the target's Strength and Agility by 5% for 10 sec.

Next level:

Gives the Paladin's damaging melee attacks a chance to reduce the target's Strength and Agility by 10% for 10 sec.

Gives the Paladin's damaging melee attacks a chance to reduce the target's Strength and Agility by 10% for 10 sec.

Next level:

Gives the Paladin's damaging melee attacks a chance to reduce the target's Strength and Agility by 15% for 10 sec.

Gives the Paladin's damaging melee attacks a chance to reduce the target's Strength and Agility by 15% for 10 sec.




Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 1%.

Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 1%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 2%.

Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 2%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 3%.

Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 3%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 4%.

Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 4%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 5%.

Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 5%.

Seal of Command

Seal of Command


65 Mana

Gives the Paladin a chance to deal additional Holy damage equal to 70% of normal weapon damage. Only one Seal can be active on the Paladin at any one time. Lasts 30 sec. Unleashing this Seal's energy will judge an enemy, instantly causing 46.5 to 55.5 Holy damage, 93 to 102 if the target is stunned or incapacitated.

Gives the Paladin a chance to deal additional Holy damage equal to 70% of normal weapon damage. Only one Seal can be active on the Paladin at any one time. Lasts 30 sec. Unleashing this Seal's energy will judge an enemy, instantly causing 46.5 to 55.5 Holy damage, 93 to 102 if the target is stunned or incapacitated.

Pursuit of Justice

Pursuit of Justice


Increases movement and mounted movement speed by 4%. This does not stack with other movement speed increasing effects.

Increases movement and mounted movement speed by 4%. This does not stack with other movement speed increasing effects.

Next level:

Increases movement and mounted movement speed by 8%. This does not stack with other movement speed increasing effects.

Increases movement and mounted movement speed by 8%. This does not stack with other movement speed increasing effects.

Eye for an Eye

Eye for an Eye


All spell criticals against you cause 15% of the damage taken to the caster as well. The damage caused by Eye for an Eye will not exceed 50% of the Paladin's total health.

All spell criticals against you cause 15% of the damage taken to the caster as well. The damage caused by Eye for an Eye will not exceed 50% of the Paladin's total health.

Next level:

All spell criticals against you cause 30% of the damage taken to the caster as well. The damage caused by Eye for an Eye will not exceed 50% of the Paladin's total health.

All spell criticals against you cause 30% of the damage taken to the caster as well. The damage caused by Eye for an Eye will not exceed 50% of the Paladin's total health.

Improved Retribution Aura

Improved Retribution Aura


Increases the damage done by your Retribution Aura by 25%.

Increases the damage done by your Retribution Aura by 25%.

Next level:

Increases the damage done by your Retribution Aura by 50%.

Increases the damage done by your Retribution Aura by 50%.

Two-Handed Weapon Specialization

Two-Handed Weapon Specialization


Increases the damage you deal with two-handed melee weapons by 2%.

Increases the damage you deal with two-handed melee weapons by 2%.

Next level:

Increases the damage you deal with two-handed melee weapons by 4%.

Increases the damage you deal with two-handed melee weapons by 4%.

Next level:

Increases the damage you deal with two-handed melee weapons by 6%.

Increases the damage you deal with two-handed melee weapons by 6%.





Increases Holy damage done by party members within 30 yards by 10%. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.

Increases Holy damage done by party members within 30 yards by 10%. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.




Gives you a 3% bonus to Physical and Holy damage you deal for 8 sec after dealing a critical strike from a weapon swing, spell, or ability.

Gives you a 3% bonus to Physical and Holy damage you deal for 8 sec after dealing a critical strike from a weapon swing, spell, or ability.

Next level:

Gives you a 6% bonus to Physical and Holy damage you deal for 8 sec after dealing a critical strike from a weapon swing, spell, or ability.

Gives you a 6% bonus to Physical and Holy damage you deal for 8 sec after dealing a critical strike from a weapon swing, spell, or ability.

Next level:

Gives you a 9% bonus to Physical and Holy damage you deal for 8 sec after dealing a critical strike from a weapon swing, spell, or ability.

Gives you a 9% bonus to Physical and Holy damage you deal for 8 sec after dealing a critical strike from a weapon swing, spell, or ability.

Next level:

Gives you a 12% bonus to Physical and Holy damage you deal for 8 sec after dealing a critical strike from a weapon swing, spell, or ability.

Gives you a 12% bonus to Physical and Holy damage you deal for 8 sec after dealing a critical strike from a weapon swing, spell, or ability.

Next level:

Gives you a 15% bonus to Physical and Holy damage you deal for 8 sec after dealing a critical strike from a weapon swing, spell, or ability.

Gives you a 15% bonus to Physical and Holy damage you deal for 8 sec after dealing a critical strike from a weapon swing, spell, or ability.




60 Mana
20 yd range
1 min cooldown

Puts the enemy target in a state of meditation, incapacitating them for up to 6 sec. Any damage caused will awaken the target. Only works against Humanoids.

Puts the enemy target in a state of meditation, incapacitating them for up to 6 sec. Any damage caused will awaken the target. Only works against Humanoids.

0 / 0 / 0
Level required: -

Start in Retribution Tree until lvl 32 in the following order :

paladin leveling spec 1-60 wow classic

Lvl 32 : Respec to a Reckoning Build in Protection:

paladin leveling spec 1-60 wow classic

The level 32 is really a key step in the leveling of the paladin, your leveling speed will get boosted drastically thansk to the Reckoning skill.

Lvl 32-60 : Complete the build: 0/32/19

Divine Strength

Divine Strength


Increases your Strength by 2%.

Increases your Strength by 2%.

Next level:

Increases your Strength by 4%.

Increases your Strength by 4%.

Next level:

Increases your Strength by 6%.

Increases your Strength by 6%.

Next level:

Increases your Strength by 8%.

Increases your Strength by 8%.

Next level:

Increases your Strength by 10%.

Increases your Strength by 10%.

Divine Intellect

Divine Intellect


Increases your total Intellect by 2%.

Increases your total Intellect by 2%.

Next level:

Increases your total Intellect by 4%.

Increases your total Intellect by 4%.

Next level:

Increases your total Intellect by 6%.

Increases your total Intellect by 6%.

Next level:

Increases your total Intellect by 8%.

Increases your total Intellect by 8%.

Next level:

Increases your total Intellect by 10%.

Increases your total Intellect by 10%.

Spiritual Focus

Spiritual Focus


Gives your Flash of Light and Holy Light spells a 14% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.

Gives your Flash of Light and Holy Light spells a 14% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.

Next level:

Gives your Flash of Light and Holy Light spells a 28% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.

Gives your Flash of Light and Holy Light spells a 28% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.

Next level:

Gives your Flash of Light and Holy Light spells a 42% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.

Gives your Flash of Light and Holy Light spells a 42% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.

Next level:

Gives your Flash of Light and Holy Light spells a 56% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.

Gives your Flash of Light and Holy Light spells a 56% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.

Next level:

Gives your Flash of Light and Holy Light spells a 70% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.

Gives your Flash of Light and Holy Light spells a 70% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.

Improved Seal of Righteousness

Improved Seal of Righteousness


Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness and Judgement of Righteousness by 3%.

Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness and Judgement of Righteousness by 3%.

Next level:

Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness and Judgement of Righteousness by 6%.

Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness and Judgement of Righteousness by 6%.

Next level:

Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness and Judgement of Righteousness by 9%.

Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness and Judgement of Righteousness by 9%.

Next level:

Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness and Judgement of Righteousness by 12%.

Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness and Judgement of Righteousness by 12%.

Next level:

Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness and Judgement of Righteousness by 15%.

Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness and Judgement of Righteousness by 15%.

Healing Light

Healing Light


Increases the amount healed by your Holy Light and Flash of Light spells by 4%.

Increases the amount healed by your Holy Light and Flash of Light spells by 4%.

Next level:

Increases the amount healed by your Holy Light and Flash of Light spells by 8%.

Increases the amount healed by your Holy Light and Flash of Light spells by 8%.

Next level:

Increases the amount healed by your Holy Light and Flash of Light spells by 12%.

Increases the amount healed by your Holy Light and Flash of Light spells by 12%.




135 Mana
8 sec cooldown

Consecrates the land beneath Paladin, doing 64 Holy damage over 8 sec to enemies who enter the area.

Consecrates the land beneath Paladin, doing 64 Holy damage over 8 sec to enemies who enter the area.

Improved Lay on Hands

Improved Lay on Hands


Gives the target of your Lay on Hands spell a 15% bonus to their armor value from items for 120 sec. In addition, the cooldown for your Lay on Hands spell is reduced by 10 min.

Gives the target of your Lay on Hands spell a 15% bonus to their armor value from items for 120 sec. In addition, the cooldown for your Lay on Hands spell is reduced by 10 min.

Next level:

Gives the target of your Lay on Hands spell a 30% bonus to their armor value from items for 120 sec. In addition, the cooldown for your Lay on Hands spell is reduced by 20 min.

Gives the target of your Lay on Hands spell a 30% bonus to their armor value from items for 120 sec. In addition, the cooldown for your Lay on Hands spell is reduced by 20 min.

Unyielding Faith

Unyielding Faith


Increases your chance to resist Fear and Disorient effects by an additional 5%.

Increases your chance to resist Fear and Disorient effects by an additional 5%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to resist Fear and Disorient effects by an additional 10%.

Increases your chance to resist Fear and Disorient effects by an additional 10%.




After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock heal spell, gives you a 20% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell.

After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock heal spell, gives you a 20% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell.

Next level:

After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock heal spell, gives you a 40% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell.

After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock heal spell, gives you a 40% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell.

Next level:

After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock heal spell, gives you a 60% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell.

After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock heal spell, gives you a 60% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell.

Next level:

After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock heal spell, gives you a 80% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell.

After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock heal spell, gives you a 80% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell.

Next level:

After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock heal spell, gives you a 100% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell.

After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock heal spell, gives you a 100% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell.

Improved Blessing of Wisdom

Improved Blessing of Wisdom


Increases the effect of your Blessing of Wisdom spell by 10%.

Increases the effect of your Blessing of Wisdom spell by 10%.

Next level:

Increases the effect of your Blessing of Wisdom spell by 20%.

Increases the effect of your Blessing of Wisdom spell by 20%.

Divine Favor

Divine Favor


4% of base Mana
2 min cooldown

When activated, gives your next Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock spell a 100% critical effect chance.

When activated, gives your next Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock spell a 100% critical effect chance.

Lasting Judgement

Lasting Judgement


Increases the duration of your Judgement of Light and Judgement of Wisdom by 10 sec.

Increases the duration of your Judgement of Light and Judgement of Wisdom by 10 sec.

Next level:

Increases the duration of your Judgement of Light and Judgement of Wisdom by 20 sec.

Increases the duration of your Judgement of Light and Judgement of Wisdom by 20 sec.

Next level:

Increases the duration of your Judgement of Light and Judgement of Wisdom by 30 sec.

Increases the duration of your Judgement of Light and Judgement of Wisdom by 30 sec.

Holy Power

Holy Power


Increases the critical effect chance of your Holy spells by 1%.

Increases the critical effect chance of your Holy spells by 1%.

Next level:

Increases the critical effect chance of your Holy spells by 2%.

Increases the critical effect chance of your Holy spells by 2%.

Next level:

Increases the critical effect chance of your Holy spells by 3%.

Increases the critical effect chance of your Holy spells by 3%.

Next level:

Increases the critical effect chance of your Holy spells by 4%.

Increases the critical effect chance of your Holy spells by 4%.

Next level:

Increases the critical effect chance of your Holy spells by 5%.

Increases the critical effect chance of your Holy spells by 5%.

Holy Shock

Holy Shock


225 Mana
20 yd range
30 sec cooldown

Blasts the target with Holy energy, causing 204 to 221 Holy damage to an enemy, or 204 to 221 healing to an ally.

Blasts the target with Holy energy, causing 204 to 221 Holy damage to an enemy, or 204 to 221 healing to an ally.

Improved Devotion Aura

Improved Devotion Aura


Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 5%.

Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 5%.

Next level:

Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 10%.

Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 10%.

Next level:

Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 15%.

Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 15%.

Next level:

Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 20%.

Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 20%.

Next level:

Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 25%.

Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 25%.




Increases your chance to block attacks with your shield by 6% after being the victim of a critical strike. Lasts 10 sec or 5 blocks.

Increases your chance to block attacks with your shield by 6% after being the victim of a critical strike. Lasts 10 sec or 5 blocks.

Next level:

Increases your chance to block attacks with your shield by 12% after being the victim of a critical strike. Lasts 10 sec or 5 blocks.

Increases your chance to block attacks with your shield by 12% after being the victim of a critical strike. Lasts 10 sec or 5 blocks.

Next level:

Increases your chance to block attacks with your shield by 18% after being the victim of a critical strike. Lasts 10 sec or 5 blocks.

Increases your chance to block attacks with your shield by 18% after being the victim of a critical strike. Lasts 10 sec or 5 blocks.

Next level:

Increases your chance to block attacks with your shield by 24% after being the victim of a critical strike. Lasts 10 sec or 5 blocks.

Increases your chance to block attacks with your shield by 24% after being the victim of a critical strike. Lasts 10 sec or 5 blocks.

Next level:

Increases your chance to block attacks with your shield by 30% after being the victim of a critical strike. Lasts 10 sec or 5 blocks.

Increases your chance to block attacks with your shield by 30% after being the victim of a critical strike. Lasts 10 sec or 5 blocks.




Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 1%.

Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 1%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 2%.

Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 2%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 3%.

Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 3%.

Guardian's Favor

Guardian's Favor


Reduces the cooldown of your Blessing of Protection by 60 sec and increases the duration of your Blessing of Freedom by 3 sec.

Reduces the cooldown of your Blessing of Protection by 60 sec and increases the duration of your Blessing of Freedom by 3 sec.

Next level:

Reduces the cooldown of your Blessing of Protection by 120 sec and increases the duration of your Blessing of Freedom by 6 sec.

Reduces the cooldown of your Blessing of Protection by 120 sec and increases the duration of your Blessing of Freedom by 6 sec.




Increases your armor value from items by 2%.

Increases your armor value from items by 2%.

Next level:

Increases your armor value from items by 4%.

Increases your armor value from items by 4%.

Next level:

Increases your armor value from items by 6%.

Increases your armor value from items by 6%.

Next level:

Increases your armor value from items by 8%.

Increases your armor value from items by 8%.

Next level:

Increases your armor value from items by 10%.

Increases your armor value from items by 10%.

Blessing of Kings

Blessing of Kings


8% of base mana
30 yd range

Places a Blessing on the friendly target, increasing total stats by 10% for 300 sec. Players may only have one Blessing on them per Paladin at any one time.

Places a Blessing on the friendly target, increasing total stats by 10% for 300 sec. Players may only have one Blessing on them per Paladin at any one time.

Improved Righteous Fury

Improved Righteous Fury


Increases the amount of threat generated by your Righteous Fury spell by 16%.

Increases the amount of threat generated by your Righteous Fury spell by 16%.

Next level:

Increases the amount of threat generated by your Righteous Fury spell by 33%.

Increases the amount of threat generated by your Righteous Fury spell by 33%.

Next level:

Increases the amount of threat generated by your Righteous Fury spell by 50%.

Increases the amount of threat generated by your Righteous Fury spell by 50%.

Shield Specialization

Shield Specialization


Increases the amount of damage absorbed by your shield by 10%.

Increases the amount of damage absorbed by your shield by 10%.

Next level:

Increases the amount of damage absorbed by your shield by 20%.

Increases the amount of damage absorbed by your shield by 20%.

Next level:

Increases the amount of damage absorbed by your shield by 30%.

Increases the amount of damage absorbed by your shield by 30%.




Increases your Defense skill by 2.

Increases your Defense skill by 2.

Next level:

Increases your Defense skill by 4.

Increases your Defense skill by 4.

Next level:

Increases your Defense skill by 6.

Increases your Defense skill by 6.

Next level:

Increases your Defense skill by 8.

Increases your Defense skill by 8.

Next level:

Increases your Defense skill by 10.

Increases your Defense skill by 10.

Improved Hammer of Justice

Improved Hammer of Justice


Decreases the cooldown of your Hammer of Justice spell by 5 sec.

Decreases the cooldown of your Hammer of Justice spell by 5 sec.

Next level:

Decreases the cooldown of your Hammer of Justice spell by 10 sec.

Decreases the cooldown of your Hammer of Justice spell by 10 sec.

Next level:

Decreases the cooldown of your Hammer of Justice spell by 15 sec.

Decreases the cooldown of your Hammer of Justice spell by 15 sec.

Improved Concentration Aura

Improved Concentration Aura


Increases the effect of your Concentration Aura by an additional 5% and gives all group members affected by the aura an additional 5% chance to resist Silence and Interrupt effects.

Increases the effect of your Concentration Aura by an additional 5% and gives all group members affected by the aura an additional 5% chance to resist Silence and Interrupt effects.

Next level:

Increases the effect of your Concentration Aura by an additional 10% and gives all group members affected by the aura an additional 10% chance to resist Silence and Interrupt effects.

Increases the effect of your Concentration Aura by an additional 10% and gives all group members affected by the aura an additional 10% chance to resist Silence and Interrupt effects.

Next level:

Increases the effect of your Concentration Aura by an additional 15% and gives all group members affected by the aura an additional 15% chance to resist Silence and Interrupt effects.

Increases the effect of your Concentration Aura by an additional 15% and gives all group members affected by the aura an additional 15% chance to resist Silence and Interrupt effects.

Blessing of Sanctuary

Blessing of Sanctuary


60 Mana
30 yd range

Places a Blessing on the friendly target, reducing damage dealt from all sources by up to 10 for 300 sec. In addition, when the target blocks a melee attack the attacker will take 14 Holy damage. Players may only have one Blessing on them per Paladin at any one time.

Places a Blessing on the friendly target, reducing damage dealt from all sources by up to 10 for 300 sec. In addition, when the target blocks a melee attack the attacker will take 14 Holy damage. Players may only have one Blessing on them per Paladin at any one time.




Gives you a 20% chance to gain an extra attack after being the victim of a critical strike.

Gives you a 20% chance to gain an extra attack after being the victim of a critical strike.

Next level:

Gives you a 40% chance to gain an extra attack after being the victim of a critical strike.

Gives you a 40% chance to gain an extra attack after being the victim of a critical strike.

Next level:

Gives you a 60% chance to gain an extra attack after being the victim of a critical strike.

Gives you a 60% chance to gain an extra attack after being the victim of a critical strike.

Next level:

Gives you a 80% chance to gain an extra attack after being the victim of a critical strike.

Gives you a 80% chance to gain an extra attack after being the victim of a critical strike.

Next level:

Gives you a 100% chance to gain an extra attack after being the victim of a critical strike.

Gives you a 100% chance to gain an extra attack after being the victim of a critical strike.

One-Handed Weapon Specialization

One-Handed Weapon Specialization


Increases the damage you deal with one-handed melee weapons by 2%.

Increases the damage you deal with one-handed melee weapons by 2%.

Next level:

Increases the damage you deal with one-handed melee weapons by 4%.

Increases the damage you deal with one-handed melee weapons by 4%.

Next level:

Increases the damage you deal with one-handed melee weapons by 6%.

Increases the damage you deal with one-handed melee weapons by 6%.

Next level:

Increases the damage you deal with one-handed melee weapons by 8%.

Increases the damage you deal with one-handed melee weapons by 8%.

Next level:

Increases the damage you deal with one-handed melee weapons by 10%.

Increases the damage you deal with one-handed melee weapons by 10%.

Holy Shield

Holy Shield


150 Mana
10 sec cooldown

Increases chance to block by 30% for 10 sec, and deals 65 Holy damage for each attack blocked while active. Damage caused by Holy Shield causes 20% additional threat. Each block expends a charge. 4 charges.

Increases chance to block by 30% for 10 sec, and deals 65 Holy damage for each attack blocked while active. Damage caused by Holy Shield causes 20% additional threat. Each block expends a charge. 4 charges.

Improved Blessing of Might

Improved Blessing of Might


Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 4%.

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 4%.

Next level:

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 8%.

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 8%.

Next level:

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 12%.

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 12%.

Next level:

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 16%.

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 16%.

Next level:

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 20%.

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 20%.




Reduces the Mana cost of your Judgement and Seal spells by 3%.

Reduces the Mana cost of your Judgement and Seal spells by 3%.

Next level:

Reduces the Mana cost of your Judgement and Seal spells by 6%.

Reduces the Mana cost of your Judgement and Seal spells by 6%.

Next level:

Reduces the Mana cost of your Judgement and Seal spells by 9%.

Reduces the Mana cost of your Judgement and Seal spells by 9%.

Next level:

Reduces the Mana cost of your Judgement and Seal spells by 12%.

Reduces the Mana cost of your Judgement and Seal spells by 12%.

Next level:

Reduces the Mana cost of your Judgement and Seal spells by 15%.

Reduces the Mana cost of your Judgement and Seal spells by 15%.

Improved Judgement

Improved Judgement


Decreases the cooldown of your Judgement spell by 1 sec.

Decreases the cooldown of your Judgement spell by 1 sec.

Next level:

Decreases the cooldown of your Judgement spell by 2 sec.

Decreases the cooldown of your Judgement spell by 2 sec.

Improved Seal of the Crusader

Improved Seal of the Crusader


Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Seal of the Crusader and the Holy damage increase of your Judgement of the Crusader by 5%.

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Seal of the Crusader and the Holy damage increase of your Judgement of the Crusader by 5%.

Next level:

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Seal of the Crusader and the Holy damage increase of your Judgement of the Crusader by 10%.

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Seal of the Crusader and the Holy damage increase of your Judgement of the Crusader by 10%.

Next level:

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Seal of the Crusader and the Holy damage increase of your Judgement of the Crusader by 15%.

Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Seal of the Crusader and the Holy damage increase of your Judgement of the Crusader by 15%.




Increases your Parry chance by 1%.

Increases your Parry chance by 1%.

Next level:

Increases your Parry chance by 2%.

Increases your Parry chance by 2%.

Next level:

Increases your Parry chance by 3%.

Increases your Parry chance by 3%.

Next level:

Increases your Parry chance by 4%.

Increases your Parry chance by 4%.

Next level:

Increases your Parry chance by 5%.

Increases your Parry chance by 5%.




Gives the Paladin's damaging melee attacks a chance to reduce the target's Strength and Agility by 5% for 10 sec.

Gives the Paladin's damaging melee attacks a chance to reduce the target's Strength and Agility by 5% for 10 sec.

Next level:

Gives the Paladin's damaging melee attacks a chance to reduce the target's Strength and Agility by 10% for 10 sec.

Gives the Paladin's damaging melee attacks a chance to reduce the target's Strength and Agility by 10% for 10 sec.

Next level:

Gives the Paladin's damaging melee attacks a chance to reduce the target's Strength and Agility by 15% for 10 sec.

Gives the Paladin's damaging melee attacks a chance to reduce the target's Strength and Agility by 15% for 10 sec.




Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 1%.

Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 1%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 2%.

Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 2%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 3%.

Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 3%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 4%.

Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 4%.

Next level:

Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 5%.

Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 5%.

Seal of Command

Seal of Command


65 Mana

Gives the Paladin a chance to deal additional Holy damage equal to 70% of normal weapon damage. Only one Seal can be active on the Paladin at any one time. Lasts 30 sec. Unleashing this Seal's energy will judge an enemy, instantly causing 46.5 to 55.5 Holy damage, 93 to 102 if the target is stunned or incapacitated.

Gives the Paladin a chance to deal additional Holy damage equal to 70% of normal weapon damage. Only one Seal can be active on the Paladin at any one time. Lasts 30 sec. Unleashing this Seal's energy will judge an enemy, instantly causing 46.5 to 55.5 Holy damage, 93 to 102 if the target is stunned or incapacitated.

Pursuit of Justice

Pursuit of Justice


Increases movement and mounted movement speed by 4%. This does not stack with other movement speed increasing effects.

Increases movement and mounted movement speed by 4%. This does not stack with other movement speed increasing effects.

Next level:

Increases movement and mounted movement speed by 8%. This does not stack with other movement speed increasing effects.

Increases movement and mounted movement speed by 8%. This does not stack with other movement speed increasing effects.

Eye for an Eye

Eye for an Eye


All spell criticals against you cause 15% of the damage taken to the caster as well. The damage caused by Eye for an Eye will not exceed 50% of the Paladin's total health.

All spell criticals against you cause 15% of the damage taken to the caster as well. The damage caused by Eye for an Eye will not exceed 50% of the Paladin's total health.

Next level:

All spell criticals against you cause 30% of the damage taken to the caster as well. The damage caused by Eye for an Eye will not exceed 50% of the Paladin's total health.

All spell criticals against you cause 30% of the damage taken to the caster as well. The damage caused by Eye for an Eye will not exceed 50% of the Paladin's total health.

Improved Retribution Aura

Improved Retribution Aura


Increases the damage done by your Retribution Aura by 25%.

Increases the damage done by your Retribution Aura by 25%.

Next level:

Increases the damage done by your Retribution Aura by 50%.

Increases the damage done by your Retribution Aura by 50%.

Two-Handed Weapon Specialization

Two-Handed Weapon Specialization


Increases the damage you deal with two-handed melee weapons by 2%.

Increases the damage you deal with two-handed melee weapons by 2%.

Next level:

Increases the damage you deal with two-handed melee weapons by 4%.

Increases the damage you deal with two-handed melee weapons by 4%.

Next level:

Increases the damage you deal with two-handed melee weapons by 6%.

Increases the damage you deal with two-handed melee weapons by 6%.





Increases Holy damage done by party members within 30 yards by 10%. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.

Increases Holy damage done by party members within 30 yards by 10%. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.




Gives you a 3% bonus to Physical and Holy damage you deal for 8 sec after dealing a critical strike from a weapon swing, spell, or ability.

Gives you a 3% bonus to Physical and Holy damage you deal for 8 sec after dealing a critical strike from a weapon swing, spell, or ability.

Next level:

Gives you a 6% bonus to Physical and Holy damage you deal for 8 sec after dealing a critical strike from a weapon swing, spell, or ability.

Gives you a 6% bonus to Physical and Holy damage you deal for 8 sec after dealing a critical strike from a weapon swing, spell, or ability.

Next level:

Gives you a 9% bonus to Physical and Holy damage you deal for 8 sec after dealing a critical strike from a weapon swing, spell, or ability.

Gives you a 9% bonus to Physical and Holy damage you deal for 8 sec after dealing a critical strike from a weapon swing, spell, or ability.

Next level:

Gives you a 12% bonus to Physical and Holy damage you deal for 8 sec after dealing a critical strike from a weapon swing, spell, or ability.

Gives you a 12% bonus to Physical and Holy damage you deal for 8 sec after dealing a critical strike from a weapon swing, spell, or ability.

Next level:

Gives you a 15% bonus to Physical and Holy damage you deal for 8 sec after dealing a critical strike from a weapon swing, spell, or ability.

Gives you a 15% bonus to Physical and Holy damage you deal for 8 sec after dealing a critical strike from a weapon swing, spell, or ability.




60 Mana
20 yd range
1 min cooldown

Puts the enemy target in a state of meditation, incapacitating them for up to 6 sec. Any damage caused will awaken the target. Only works against Humanoids.

Puts the enemy target in a state of meditation, incapacitating them for up to 6 sec. Any damage caused will awaken the target. Only works against Humanoids.

0 / 0 / 0
Level required: -

Complete the Reckoning build as below:

paladin leveling spec 1-60 wow classic

More info about the Reckoning build: 0/32/19

The core assumption with this build is that AoE grinding with Sanctuary, Redoubt, and Reckoning will be the fastest way to 60.

From 1-32 you will go a straightforward Ret path prioritizing sustain with Blessing of Wisdom over Might and Judging SoR on CD. You respec at 32 because you can get 3/5 Reckoning which represents the efficiency breaking point for it to be reliable.

Ideally you should strive for a slow 2H weapon with high damage range using SoC and HoJ on CD, however, if only faster weapons are available use SoR. SotC is not worth it to kill on average mobs ad should only be judged if you will extract its full value from the fight.

You get Seal of Light ranks every 10 levels (30, 40, 50, 60). From levels 30-35, 40-45, 50-55 SoL will have the highest impact as it was newly obtained. For these levels you can be more aggressive about pulling. SoL is used for multi target Reckoning rotation so as the efficiency of SoL dies down from 35-40, 45-50, 55-60 consider using 2H ST rotation with SoR instead of SoL.

1H Weapon specialization: conviction as paladins don’t benefit as much from crit as say Warriors. Also, Reckoning can potentially be overkill at times so smoother more consistent damage is better.

If you plan on tanking dungeons you can shave off 3 points in Toughness for Improved Righteous Fury to drastically help you with TPS.

7. DPS Cycle and Sceal choices

All you have to know about the seal is here:

Seal of Command

  • Best with slow 2H weapon
  • 3.5 Weapon speed or Slower
  • Bis Seq to use Pre-32 if you have the weapon to support it.
  • This will proc 7 times per minute (PPM). This PPM is how the
sceal of commande

You can’t increase the PPM but you can increase the damage per proc with a slow 2H. You can also twist seals using SoC (Soul of crusader).

Seal of the Crusader

  • Judge during long fights
  • Fights 30 sec+
sceal of crusader

Judge Sotc before SoR or SoC on long fights where you will be able to extract full value from the holy damage bonus. SotC was broken for a long while on certain private servers such as Kronos and light hope buffing attack power but not reducing attack damage.

Seal of Righteousness

  • Best with fast weapon
  • 3.4 weapon speed or faster
sceal of Righteousness

Best seal to use with weapon that is 3.4 speed or faster. Best seal to use when you are ST killing with reckoning.
Each Reck stack benefits from SoR as opposed to SoC. If you can sustain through the mana cost this seal on cooldown as it offers instant damage.

What is Reckoning?


Reckoning is a Tier 5 Talent in the Protection Tree that when fully ranked 5/5 gives you a 100% Chance to gain an extra attack after being hit critically.

This effect stacks up to 4 times and doesn’t go away until used. Thus the term Reck bomb was coined where Pallys stack up max stacks and save them till an opportune time to deal massive damage to a player or npc.

paladin classic wow

DPS Cycle LVL 1-32:

  • If you are ever at 100% HP you are likely misplaying - push the limits of your combat efficiency.
  • Train First Aid is plus to save mana.
  • Save every single copper - you will need money for weapon upgrades. Buy white weapons from the vendors as your money permits.

Here is the cycle of dps to respect for these levels.


If you fight a boss:


DPS Cycle LVL 32-60:

Multi-Target Reckoning (Setup & Rotation)

Start with 1H + Shield equipped, buff Blessing os sanctuary and the Retribution Aura should be enabled.


Single Target Reckoning (Setup & Rotation

Start with 2H equipped, buff Blessing of Wisdom. And put the Ret or Dev Aura.


Full Retribution

Use 2H with SoC.
Use Blessing of Wisdom unless mana is not an issue.
If fighthing 2+ mobs use Ret Aura if ST use Sanctify.


8. Best gear for leveling as paladin

As we highly recommend the Reckoning Build for leveling:

  • Strength > Stam > Intellect > Agi > Spirit

Strength (often abbreviated STR) has the following effects:

  • Increases attack power with melee weapons, paladins gain 2 melee attack power per point of strength.
  • Strength does not improve the chance to block but it increases the amount of damage that can be blocked with a shield.

Agility (often abbreviated AGI) has the following effects:

  • Increases chance to score a critical hit with a weapon. You gain 1% critical chance increased for each 20 points of agility. Increases chance to dodge attacks. For every 20 points in agility you will gain 1% chance to dodge.

Attack Power:

Attack power (AP) increases your base DPS by 1 for every 14 attack power. For example, an AP of 28 will give you 2 DPS.

Keep on mind, 1 Point of DPS = 7 Strength = 14 Attack Power

Melee, 2h or 1h + shield: 5%
Melee, dual wield: not possible as Paladin.


While there are many different ways of playing your Ret Paladin, there is only one enchantment that stands above all others:

Permanently enchant a weapon to occasionally steal some of the health of the foe and give it to the wielder.

Why is Lifestealing so good for ret paladin? Cause it has a 50-60% proc rate and also scales with spell dmg and debuffs on the target so it's uber good.


9. Weapon Progression for Paladin

Large Axe - 4.3 DPS - Lvl 3 - Starting Area Vendors (Buy Wooden Mallet if you use Maces).

Edge of the People’s Militia - 11.2 DPS - Lvl 11 - Quest Reward “The People’s Militia” in Westfall

Trogg Slicer - 11.9 DPS - Lvl 13 - Quest Reward “Gathering Idols” Loch Modan

Miner’s Revenge - 13.0 DPS - Lvl 15 - Quest Reward “Oh Brother” Deadmines Foreman Quest.

Headbasher - 17.6 DPS - Lvl 25 - Dungeon Quest Reward “The Fury Runs Deep” Stockades.

Orc Crusher - 18.2 DPS - Lvl 18 - Quest Reward from “Tharil’Zun” Redridge Mounts Group Quest.

Smite’s Mighty Hammer - 19.7 DPS - Lvl 18 - 20% Drop off Mr. Smite in The Deadmines.

Ancient War Sword - 21.7 DPS - Lvl 26 - Quest Reward from “Defeat Nek’rosh” Wetlands.

Archeus - 23.9 DPS - Lvl 29 - Quest Reward “A Daughter’s Love” Duskwood.

Strike of the Hydra - 25.6 DPS - Lvl 26 - 20% Drop off Aku’Mai in Blackfathom Deeps.

Corpsemaker - 28.9 DPS - Lvl 29 - 40% Drop off Overlord Ramtusk Razorfen Kraul.

Silver Spade - 31.1 DPS - Lvl 31 - Quest Reward “Venture Company Mining” Stranglethorn Vale.

Ravager - 37.3 DPS - Lvl 37 - 25% Drop off Herod in Scarlet Monastery.

Bonebiter - 38.8 DPS - Lvl 34 - Dungeon Quest Reward “In the Name of the Light” Scarlet Monastery.

Beastslayer - 42.6 DPS - Lvl 50 - Quest Reward “The Mighty U’cha” Ungoro Crater.

Limb Cleaver - 42.7 DPS - Lvl 50 - Quest Reward “Hurley Blackbreath” Blackrock Depths.

Force of Magma - 48.1 DPS - Lvl 51 - 20% Drop off Bael’Gar Blackrock Depths.

Dreadforge Retaliator - 50.5 DPS - Lvl 54 - 20% Drop off Emperor Dagran Thaurissan Blackrock Depths.

Ice Barbed Spear - 53.9 DPS - Lvl 51 - Quest Reward “Hero of the Frostwolf” Alterac Valley.

Doomulus Prime - 55.7 DPS - Lvl  58 - Quest Reward “The Perfect Poison” Silithus.

Special Thanks

Thanks for all these people for marking this guide possible:
Kargoz, Elysium Forum, Nostalrius Forum, Theloras.

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