Best druid guide for Classic WoW

Check out the best druid guides for Vanilla / Classic WoW. Read our druid guides for leveling 1-60, PVE or PVP guides and you will find a lot of tips to get the best druid possible in Classic WoW.

Druid PvP Guide
13 jan 2020
 110,932  101  1

Druid PvP Guide - Specs, Duel, BG, Gear

The ultimate PvP guide for Druid. Find out the best specs, optimal rotations, macros and gear you need to become the best druid in Classic WoW

Guide Prêtre - Spé, Rotation, Macros, Consommables
29 aug 2019
 129,952  114  0

Restoration Druid PvE Guide - Specs, Rotations, Macros, Consumables

The ultimate PvE guide for Restoration Druids. Find out the best specs, optimal rotations, macros and gear you need to become the best restoration druid in Classic WoW

druid T0 set
15 aug 2019
 38,544  48  1

Druid T0 Set Guide

Here is the guide to get the Wildheart set T0 of the Druid at Classic WoW / Vanilla. Check out the list of all pieces, set bonuses and bosses to kill to get your druid T0 set.

Druid guide leveling 1-60
22 apr 2019
 589,801  136  9

Druid leveling guide (1-60) - Tips, Spec, Rotation...

Check out our druid leveling guide 1-60 for Vanilla / Classic WoW to help you leveling faster. You'll find the best spec, best gear, addons, to be the first warlock lvl 60!

Druide Guide in progress

Here is the list of the next guides we are working on and which will soon be online. If you have any ideas or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact us by email.

Druide PvP Guide - Soon

We are currently working on the Druide PvP guide for Classic WoW, it will be available soon! Sign up on newsletter to be notified of the release.

Druide PvE Guide - Soon

We are currently working on the Druide PvE guide for Classic WoW, it will be available soon! Sign up on newsletter to be notified of the release.

Why choosing the druid in Classic WoW?

Positioned second on the podium for his leveling speed 1-60, the druid is indeed a leveling machine thanks to the different animal forms. He is able to heal, tank and DPS making it a hybrid character "go everywhere" very useful when you want to do some dungeons.

His ability to resurrect in combat is unique and makes it a class to pamper in raids 60 as for example Molten Core or Zul'Gurub.

Good in PvP instanced, the druid defends himself well off the battlegrounds but remains squishy following the spec that he has during WORLD PvP sessions. He will tend to survive thanks to his ability to changeform but will not necessarily kill his attackers.