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Unit frames
Aug. 16, 2019
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This addon aims to improve upon the standard blizzard unitframes without going beyond the boundaries set by them. Due to this, the addons memory usage is very small as all the hard work to get the unitframes to work is already done by Blizzard, I just improve upon them.

Main Features

The Blizzard UnitFrames are extended with the following:

  • Taller healthbar
  • Proper class coloring of the healthbar accoring to player class
  • Better output of text on the statusbars
  • Formats "12.4k/45.3k" or "12.4k (20%)" depending on option
  • Fully integrated with rune-bar, shard-bar etc from the standard interface
  • Scalable Player/Target/Focus/TargetOfTarget/BossFrames frames

Works for Player, Target, Focus, FocusTarget. Uses the standard Pet, TargetOfTarget frames. Is even better when combined with the new Blizzard CompactRaidFrames (also CompactPartyFrames)


The following restrictions apply in WoW Classic:

  • Focus frame is not supported as this was introduced in a later version of WoW

The Target frame includes target health and mana values in contradiction to base Classic Target frame. I may make this an option at some point, but for now, it is there because I wanted it.


Uses the Blizzard options for Player frames. UnitFramesImproved now also supports some basic slash-commands.

Available slash-commands

  • /unitframesimproved help Shows a help text
  • /unitframesimproved scale factor Scales the player and target frame using factor (0.0 - 2.0). We do recommend 1.1
  • /unitframesimproved reset Resets the scaling of the player and target frames

You can also use the short form /ufi instead of /unitframesimproved.

Movable PlayerFrames

This functionality is now included as part of WoW, and has as such been removed from UnitFramesImproved.

Scalable PlayerFrames

The portraits are linked and the scale factor will be applied to both PlayerFrame, TargetFrame, and also FocusFrame. The factor is 1.0 for normal size. 2.0 is 200% of normal size. 1.2 would be 20% larger than normal for example.

Credits & thanks

Author: KawF

Curse Link: UnitFramesImproved


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