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Combat, Unit frames
July 9, 2020
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ThreatClassic2 is a threat meter for WoW Classic that provides reasonably accurate estimates of a monster's threat table based on LibThreatClassic2. It is compatible with all other AddOns providing threat data through LibThreatClassic2 and created as the successor of the abandoned ClassicThreatMeter.

Is this addon compatible with Details Tiny threat?
Yes! In fact any addon that uses LibThreatClassic2 (the library behind this addon) is compatible. You can make sure to always have the latest version of the threat library by installing this addon and hiding it, while still using another addon for display without any negative impact. ThreatClassic2 makes sure that the latest version of LibThreatClassic2 is loaded.

Why use ThreatClassic2 instead of ClassicThreatMeter?
The author of ClassicThreatMeter left the addon with a lot of bugs, like spamming "You are not in a raid" in Alterac Valley and 25% bonus aggro for Warrior Defiance talent instead of 15%. ThreatClassic2 bundles LibThreatClassic2, which comes with a ton of bug fixes and provides new boss modules for handling Onyxia and Ragnaros threat mechanics.

Why am I not seeing other players in ThreatClassic2?
A: Other players must have ThreatClassic2 or a compatible AddOn with LibThreatClassic2 enabled in order to track their threat similar to how KLH Threat Meter/Omen required compatible AddOns communicating threat to one another in Vanilla/TBC.


Credits & thanks

Author: dfherr

Curse Link: ThreatClassic2


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