Quick Start Guide
Addon to make swapping equipment easier through popout slot menus, equip slot buttons, gear sets and automated swaps.
Minimap button:
Right-click the minimap button to open options or create sets
Left-click the minimap button to choose a set
Shift-click the minimap button to unequip the last set equipped
Alt-click the minimap button to toggle events on/off
Dockable buttons:
Alt+click slots on the character sheet to create/remove buttons
Alt+click yourself in the character sheet to create/remove a set button
Alt+click the created buttons to toggle their auto-queue status
Shift+drag buttons to break them apart if they're docked to each other Drag the menu's border around to dock it to a different side of buttons
Right-click the menu's border to rotate the menu Size, alpha, spacing, etc are in options
Creating/equipping sets:
You create sets in the Sets tab after right-clicking the minimap button.
Select slots for the set, choose a name and icon and click Save Once a set is saved, there are several ways to equip it:
1. Left-click the minimap button and choose the set
2. Mouseover a set button you've created (Alt+click yourself in character sheet)
3. Use a key binding you define in the set ("Bind Key" button)
4. In macros with /itemrack equip setname
5. In events or scripts that use EquipSet("setname")
Popout menus:
Click an item or set in a menu to equip it
Shift+click a set in a menu to unequip it
Alt+click an item in a menu to hide/unhide it Hold
Alt as you mouseover a slot to show all hidden items
While at a bank: Items/sets in the bank have a blue border.
Slash Commands:
/itemrack : list the most common slash commands
/itemrack opt : summon the options GUI
/itemrack equip setname : equips a set
/itemrack reset : resets buttons
/itemrack reset everything : wipes all settings, sets and events
/itemrack lock/unlock : locks and unlocks the buttons
/itemrack toggle set name[, second set name] : equips/unequips "set name" (or swaps between two sets if a second set given)
Credits & thanks
Author: styx616
Link: ItemRack