AdiBags displays the content of your bags in one view, distributed into several sections using smart filters.
Configuration is available through Blizzard addon panel, /adibags chat command or right-clicking on the LDB plugin.
Most of these features may be configured. Check out the configuration panel ! (using the /adibags chat command or clicking on the bag icon, you have any LDB display)
Smart filters are used to distribute items into several sections, including:
Display slot type.
Bag sorting: left-click on the [S] button; right-click toggles auto-sorting, which sorts the bag on close (may freeze the game for a few seconds).
Tips & tricks
you can create your own sections using the “manual filter” in filter configuration. You can then drag and drop items on section titles to reassign them ; this works for any section.
if you want to highlight new items without putting them into a specific section, edit the “new items” filter priority to put it at the end of the filter list.
Credits & thanks
Author: Adirelle
Curse Link: AdiBags