News & Guides for Classic WoW

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Naxxramas and Scourge Invasions Open December today at 2pm PST
03 dec 2020
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Naxxramas and Scourge Invasions Open December today at 2pm PST

WoW Classic Naxxramas and Scourge Invasions will start at 2pm Pacific on December 3rd with a global-wise release. Blizzard has announced, in a departure from vanilla WoW, that Scourge Invasions have been extended through December.

WoW Classic Phase 6 is here !
03 dec 2020
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WoW Classic Phase 6 is here !

Patch 1.13.6 is now live in WoW Classic. Don't forget that Naxxramas releases a few hours later. So prepare your consumables and get ready to clean the last WoW Classic raid !

WoW Classic Phase 6 release on December 1st
02 nov 2020
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WoW Classic Phase 6 release on December 1st

Blizzard has announced that WoW Classic 1.13.6, the final major content patch of Classic WoW, will release on December 1st, with the Naxxramas raid following on December 3rd as a global release.

Wow Classic: The PTR of phase 6!
07 oct 2020
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Wow Classic: The PTR of phase 6!

Blizzard has released patch notes for WoW Classic PTR Build 1.13.6 which includes Naxxramas, and new Items and Content!

Introducing the World of Warcraft Classic Fall Conquest
22 sep 2020
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Introducing the World of Warcraft Classic Fall Conquest

Blizzard has introduced another WoW Classic esports tournament--this time in Arathi Basin! The tournament will take place between October 3rd and 18th and signups are open now.

World of Warcraft: Classic Launched One Year Ago Today
27 aug 2020
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World of Warcraft: Classic Launched One Year Ago Today

World of Warcraft: Classic launched one year ago today, August 27, 2019. This was Blizzard's first attempt at restoring an archival version of Warcraft, allowing players to reconnect with their friends from decades past and relive their first steps in Azeroth.

Turning in World Buffs on Layered Relams
23 jul 2020
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Turning in World Buffs on Layered Realms

Blizzard has updated the Classic Hotfix blog with a fix for turning in the Head of Onyxia, Head of Nefarian, Head of Rend Blackhand, or Heart of Hakkar on layered realms, so that each layer will properly receive the quest dialogue and buff.

The Ahn'Qiraj War Effort - WoW Classic
20 jul 2020
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The Ahn'Qiraj War Effort - WoW Classic

The ultimate goal is to open the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj so that we can go and confront the enemy directly at home. But to do this, you'll have to work hard, and every player will be called upon!

Byron "Reckful" Bernstein died at the age of 31.
03 jul 2020
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Byron "Reckful" Bernstein died at the age of 31

Byron "Reckful" Bernstein, one of the best World of Warcraft players in the world, died at the age of 31.

Classic Phase 5 Arrives July 28
29 jun 2020
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Classic Phase 5 Arrives July 28

Blizzard has announced that the Ahn'Qiraj content will arrive in Classic July 28th. At that date, the Scepter of the Shifting Sands questline will become available and the War Effort will begin